
Tempy's Characters

Ask @KifoRosalieRemus

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If you had to marry a (humanized) kia, who would you pick?

Uhhhhhh apart from my own? (stares at Rafe and Remus) hmmmm....well, I really adore Aleksei and I think we'd get along quite well xD Though David is extremely tempting as well (not that it would work out well I imagine) Kveikur, for reasons xD Or Mikhail, because writing buddies ought to stick together xD

Jan: S-smell? Well.... *Frowns slightly and stares at the ground, mumbling.* Well /technically/ I'm a guy, but I want to be called a girl.

CSMintCat’s Profile PhotoMintCat
Ceallach; -grins triumphantly- Aha! I knew somethin' was amiss with ye laddie! -grins and winks- Aye, I ken see the attraction o' wantin' t' be a sweet smellin' female. Pers'nally I prefer bein' in a female rather than bein' one, but whatever floats yer boat I s'pose! Shall I call ye a lass then?
Liked by: Moon's Characters

Jan: *Rushes over to Ceallach, eyes wide* You've been to the sea?! What's it like there? Is it pretty?

CSMintCat’s Profile PhotoMintCat
Ceallach; -looks at her in amusement and some confusion- Och! Ye're a wee bright thing are ye not? Aye, I've been t' the sea, though tisn't a place I prefer. Pretty I 'spose, if ye like 'at sort o' thing. -narrows eyes and studies her contemplatively- Ye 'ave the look o' a bonny lass, but the smell o' a lad, so which are ye?

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cinna;; l-like who? -trembles- o A o

Ceallach; -shrugs a broad shoulder- I wouldna know, but I 'ave seen a good many fellows wanderin' o'round here with o' unpleasant air 'round 'em.

eh, figured I'd mention this lol

KifoRosalieRemus’s Profile PhotoTempy's Characters
I have like...50(ish) easter tokens, some of the animal eggs, 20 c$, like...a lot of FR treasure with more filtering in all the time, dragons, cs pets ...I'm basically offering whatever anyone is interested in in exchange for art or art slavery xD I can also code, write, and website design for you if that appeals to anyone xD
so yeah!!! if interested please PM me on chicken smoothie!!! I am a bit picky with art and artists, but I'm very reasonable regardless so message me!!!

Flora: If they knew I was spending time with you, they'd get their man-panties in such a twist... *shakes her head* Well, I wouldn't call myself a friend of theirs by any long shot, perhaps more of a prize would be more accurate? *grimaces* It's gross, and partly why I'm out here and not (cont.)

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters
up there with those other women. Not my preferred life anyways. Oh, my father is a downright idiot most times, it's true. My lips are definitely sealed. *grins again at the aversion of topic away from her father* Well, once we get out of here you'll have to tell me what you had in mind. *takes his arm daintily and walks out of sight from the window* Ah, I'll get it out of you eventually. Make it a goal of mine or somethin'. *snickers* I bet he wasn't.
Ceallach; Ach I'm quite sure, a lass like ye would be a bonnie catch for them I wager! Idiot fathers.... tis common throughout the world, 'least ye're not lettin' 'im ruin yer life though. -chuckles- Aye? That so? No friends o' yers then? -looks dubiously at them- Weel then, who /are/ yer friends? Shady gutter rats? I understand yer bid fer freedom though lass, 'tis admirable o' you I mus' say. -smiles grimly- Ach good, fer if ye told yer father I jus' might 'ave to kill ye, and 'im too! -bursts out laughing- Och weel, if ye haven't figured out what I was thinkin' of earlier, then per'aps ye're a wee bit too young fer it. -snorts loudly and then chuckles- Weel, ye may be successful, or ye may not be. Time will tell neh?

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mmm are you on skype right now

welllll I am now, but not for very longer because Once Upon a Time is on and I have to go watch :'D
Liked by: Mimi

cinna;; w-why? -frowns and crosses arms-

Ceallach; -snorts- Because lass, there are other...less.../friendly/ men-folk out and aboot, who'd like nothin' better then t' 'ave some sweet lil lass to...weel, y'know, warm their bed, only mebbe not willingly.

Aaaaah Internet.... So many heartbreaks on daily bases vwv (And oh gosh! XD That would be rather funny! He would certainly freak her out though, if not scar poor 'ol Sinny to death!)

StarDancerNamid’s Profile PhotoSin Jo
No kidding right??? -stares at all my characters and sighs woefully- Yes it would be ahahaha xDDD I can see Rosalie (being just as awkward and uncomfortable around Kelly) sicking him on Sin in a vindictive sort of self-saving act, and then laugh her head off at Sin's reaction x'DDDD

Flora: *tch* That's right. Don't tell the ladies at the party that I'm not their type of gal, they might riot. *snorts derisively* I'm only playing their game because it makes me look good, hm. Need to make a fine impression, "Daddy" always says. For the suitors, he says. Ah, I wouldn't (cont.)

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters
worry too much about him, so long as this meeting is our little secret. A' I'll stay, since you asked oh so nicely. Me? I'm not sure what I ever plan to do. But 'ah, right now I plan to... well, you tell me. I'm just here to break some rules and have some fun. Maybe get away from those pretentious suitors. You can help me with that, can't you? Oh, I see. Sailor by force. Must have quite a story behind you... care for a walk? *coughs and gestures up to a horde of ladies on a balcony down the lane* I need to not be seen for the time being.
Ceallach; -chortles- Aye, I daresay they might be a wee bit perturbed that their leddie-friend was in cohorts with all sorts o' nasty things like me. -grins charmingly- Sounds like yer father is a right twat, tisn't any good t' stifle a daughters 'appiness fer appearances sake. -spits to one side- Ach weel, I certainly won't tell yer daddy aboot this, and if ye promise the same I'll take ye at yer word. -rumbles thoughtfully- Aye weel, talking wasn'a what I had on me mind but... -glances up at the ladies on the balcony and chortles- I s'pect I ken act the part o' a gentleman fer the time being. -gallantly offers her his arm with a wink- And aye, quite a story be'ind me, tho don't think ye'll get it out o' me so easy, not even the charmin' Remus could get the whole tale out o' me....though 'e wasn't a pretty lass to be sure. -cackles-

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If you could get art from any 5 people right now who would it be?

ahahaha this one is easy!!!
right this second:
(first five that came to mind from ask.fm haha)
Liked by: Foul mercury

Is the ball still happening?

I don't even know tbh. I've not been contacted about it again and it's sort of fallen to the wayside I think. Everyone's busy with school at this time (that I know of) so that probably has a lot to do with it as well.

cinna;; -shrugs- I t-talk to nero a lot, s-so I guess..

Ceallach; -snorts- Weel I don't see yer "Nero" around 'ere right now so... -struggles to try and make himself understandable to her- I'm tryin' t' say that I don' think tis safe fer ye to be alone out 'ere.

entertainment? If that's the case... I could leave. But something tells me that's not quite what you want. *raises a brow and places a hand on her hip*

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters
Ceallach; Mmmm, ye sound like a right devious leddie I mus' say -grins delightedly- I love a good firecracker lass aha. Sounds t' me like yer daddy is more on 'is own leash than anythin'. All the same, I've 'ad rabid daddy's hot on me trail afore, and tisn't verra fun. -licks his lips and rumbles deep in his throat- Nay, nay, yer right, stay a while lass, I dinna want ye to go, I mus' concede 'at it may not be proper but stuff it down societies arse. -grins roguishly- Though tell me, what exactly do ye think t' do with a scurvy Scottish sailor like me, neh? An' I am not o' sailer by choice if'n ye were wondering, I twas fished out o' the sea like a drowned rat by a cap'n Remus. Been stuck on the ocean blue e'er since...well, until now.

Flora: *notes his looks silently, nodding* Oh well. My father is a minor pawn in my chess game of life... a pawn. With more money than I know. Who says I'd let "Daddy" know that I was in the company of a rugged sailor like yourself? Oh, is that so? Do you want me to find another source of(cont)

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters

ramsey; well then, are you in town for a while? we're stopping for a few days to hang around and relax. everyone on board has been quite antsy.

ayakoscharacters’s Profile Photokaworu
Remus; Aye, tis the same with me own crew, so I'll be in port for a day or two at least.

Flora: *grins subtly* Indeed, it would not be expected of someone like me to "wish" to encounter someone of your standing, nor would it be expected. On top of that, sir, my dear father would not stand for it. *grin widens into a smirk* Which is exactly why I'm here. I don't like to be expected of.

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters
Ceallach; Mmmmmm -eyes her with a lusty smirk- I mus' say I am verra tempted, but I dinna like the thought o' yer father breathin' up me neck....all the same.... -stares at her in temptation- Ye're an exceedingly pretty thing, though I mus' say I thinks ye can find o' better way of rebellion against yer father than foolin' around with a lusty Scot like me.

-bear hugs you- mwahahahaha I'll be all over you like a horse on that social worker (ROFL)

FennecKias’s Profile PhotoFennec

ramsey;; things have been same old, same old. nothin' too interesting these days, i'm goin' mad. -sighs- we should do somethin' soon, 'fore we forget what fun is.

ayakoscharacters’s Profile Photokaworu
Remus; -grins devilishly- I couldn't agree more! We need us some fun eh? Ach well, then we ought to try an' find some time t' do something together hmmm? -smiles sadly-

....oh yes I am ;v; -ahem- He seems to have a lively spirit for sure! If only I would've been a kiamara! *flails helplessly* .....And I can't push Sin to talk since she wouldn't understand half the conversation with that accent of his! BUT HE IS MARVELOUS BEING, I TELL YOU! *waves hands in the air*

StarDancerNamid’s Profile PhotoSin Jo
LOOOL, if you like a womanizing Scotsman then he's the man for you! -lascivious wink- SIN AND KELLY OH MY GOSH XD Just the thought makes me want to pee with laughter holy xD He'd be fun to interact with, I'd love to meet him IRL heehee <3 but alas he is a pixel creature and I am a human, such a pity
Liked by: Sin Jo

cinna;; -can barely understand him- c-cinna o b o

Ceallach; A pleasure t' meet ye Cinna! -leans against a tree and surveys her- Ye come 'round 'ere often? tisn't safe wi'out a man o'round I think. Little lassies like ye could run into trouble.

Rofl ! -hoards all of your kias- let the games begin...

FennecKias’s Profile PhotoFennec
x'D HOW DID YOU GUESS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR?!?!?! Yeah, I legit trust you with all my babes though, FEEL SPECIAL!!! -huggles-

Flora: *notices Kelly and frowns slightly, doubting her father would want her around such a man, before throwing caution to the wind and sauntering over* Heello good sir, I couldn't help but notice you. A new face in a town like this is easily noted... At least, by me. *fixes her dress slightly*

Moonskye’s Profile PhotoMoon's Characters
Ceallach; -slides closer and tips her chin up with a finger, grinning down at her rakishly- Weel now, what a pretty lass ye are! Lookit ye, all sweet and innocent, like a wee posy neh? Friskin' round with a roughabout like me though, I dinna think a high class leddie like yerself is wise t' do that.
Liked by: Fennec

My oh my! What a rowdy little (micro)kiamara you have gotten caught up in your crew! CUTE! >w< (Congrats~ )

StarDancerNamid’s Profile PhotoSin Jo
AHAHAHAHA CUTE ISN'T HOW I'D DESCRIBE HIM x'D But thanks <3 He's a wee firey bairn t' be sure :'D Very much in love with him <3333
Liked by: Fennec


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