

Ask @Mrsbaekyeol

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asna pun taktahu nak cakapacam mana :3 akak tgok la . hihi ><

baekhyunns’s Profile Photoasna
Older post tu nak tukar jadi icon ke apa? sbb akak rasa code dia lebih kurang je

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Asal akak kalau org nk request tak boleh, tapi jadi sponsor boleh? o.O

Request apa? Kalau header akak mmg tak ambil. Sbb akak dah takde mood nak buat header act. haha. Sponsor tu, dulu akak ada sponsor header, tp skrang just cursor je. Sorry btw.

thanks link tu kak. btw, asna tukar skin baru lepas tu asna nak letak older post yang kat bawah post tu. but takleh. asna ikut tutor akak pun takleh.

baekhyunns’s Profile Photoasna
U're welcome. Asna guna blogskin yg mana? Boleh bg contoh?

Hi there!! :) I want to ask u a question, I'm using ur blogskin "Peter Pan" now~ But I have a problem with the posts, only the 1st post of the page cn be see with black words, the 2nd/3rd posts are in white and when I highlight it only cn see the words... can you help me? :( Thanks <3

Yong Jia
Hi. oh may I know your blog link ?

Akaaak, nak tanya lagu english kat blog akak tu lagu apa? Best laaa. boleh bagi link or bagi nama lagu dengan penyanyi dia sekali? Pleaseee ^^

Awak search kat youtube tajuk ni "Miracles in December by Silv3rT3ar"

Akak marah tak kalau orang refreebies freebies yang akak buat sendiri? I mean macam top button or cursor yang akak buat sendiri.

Kalau dia minta izin or letak credit akak tak marah.

unnie, saya click customize lepas tu dia kata "We need you to verify your email address by clicking the link we sent". saya dah click "send it again" tapi mcm takde pape je :/

Dah check dekat email ke?


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