

Ask @Rawbiniv

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what does identical twin look like... he look exactly the same as you ?

yup almost identical i got a picture here, he is the clean one i am the filthy one
what does identical twin look like he look exactly the same as you

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u could have won that game they had brokenshard jungling , unlucky ff

we had a good start of the game and comp so ye..

how you deal with stress

i deal with stress rly bad since i have bad heart conditions i just try to not get into stressed up and listen to music or try and think of things that makes me not stressed

why you support arsenal... uneducated child

my dad and twin supports Liverpool and i was supporting arsenal not so much hardcore dont want football anymore

hmmmm , do you think betsy larssen and ziviz are all better than fox ? o,o

nope fox is 10/10 betsy is 9/10 larssen and ziviz are around 7 - 6 in my eyes comared and i am solid 3/10 ! DD

why you loose to brokensharD... mr eggenberger pls

we lost 3bans and i played a jungler i am not comfortble on and we just played bad as a team.


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