

Ask @Rawbiniv

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im loosing every game as jungler and i feel like everygame im playing vs 1000x better jungle player than me, he got more assists or farm..

ye so keep playing and learn trades matchups etc

could you say real tips how to gain high elo as jungler? this is actually serious :D

there is no tips just learn 1-2champs play them alot watch streams learn from others in action ;3

opinions on lll

good midlaner good jungler bot lane is shit / top lane with big highs but big lows. will make plays offs

Top 5 for each role in sweden? Dont be like Flaxxish say a top 1-2 and call rest trash. Who in Mouz disappointed you the most skillwise? Thoughts about tankjunglers coming back?

cba telling u 5players of sweden all suck. mountain was underpreforming allways towards good supports so it was hard to play tank junglers is cool.


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