

Ask @Rawbiniv

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a 2nd brutalizer after the warrior jgl item is not worth on jarvan, right?

i usally go tiamat instead of bruta with red smite if i want to go full dmg works sometimes.

What do you think about Merlo Gaming, Nutri, Tundra ? dont know if you know who they are but they are good soloQ players from what i have seen, dont know if you played with them :p

dont play much with anyone off them buy merlo is ok nutri and tundra on the other hand i dont enjoy playing with.

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lll top 3?

idunno i feel like G2 and orgien are abit stronger then all other. but the rest of us are pretty close to eachother so cant tell :P they are looking good tho with cozq and kirea

what do u think of lll

Rly stronk midlaner and jungler botlane pretty weak and toplaner being solocarrying or sololosing

what do you do to get fed as jarvan in early? i know before u always do red then lvl 2 gank mid and get fb, is that posible in this new jungle?

lvl 2ganks works still depending on what champion u play against and player

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