

Ask @SeductivePrince

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Imagine if penises farted! Don't imagine penises rolling away from it's.. owner because that's just ew but I imagined it anyway :D Dog farts are the worst :(

Omg that would be so weird, and I bet it would feel weird too! If penises we to roll away from there owners, I think a lot of men would be crying right now (myself included). xD Yeah they are! When my dog farts he doesn't even want to smell it. At least he has some sense. xD

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Rate the following out of 10 on looks: Mary, Alexandra, Kat, Eleanor, Zac, Bekah, Rob, Todd, Jess, Luke, Erika, Lexi, Rita, Sara, Haley, Ru, Chey, Ada,Riley, CoCo, Ivana, Michael, Aoifa, Jay, Jessica, Riley, Bri, Ash, Sarah , Alex , Liz, Abbey

Mary: 10/10 Outgoing personality
Alexandra: 10/10 Beautiful personality
Kat: 10/10 Caring person
Eleanor: 10/10 Sarcasm rules
Zac: 10/10 Just amazing
Bekah: 10/10 Awesomely outrageous
Rob: 10/10 Pimpalicious all the way
Todd: 10/10 Well he does have a weenie dog xD
Jess: 10/10 My favorite anime chick
Luke: 10/10 He's a superstar
Erika: 10/10 I don't know who she is!
Lexi: 10/10 She's freaking Lexi cause that's why
Rita: 10/10 Voice of a thousand suns
Sara: 10/10 Oh my what a face
Haley: 10/10 Sweet girl all around (She also owns cats!)
Ru: 10/10 I always thought she was nice
Chey: 10/10 She'll be famous one day
Ada: 10/10 Come on now, she rules
Riley: 10/10 He's a gamer
Coco: 10/10 She had a unicorn picture for a while
Ivana: 10/10 She's pretty funny
Michael: 10/10 He's pretty smart and his poems are godly
Aoifa: 10/10 Very stunning personality
Jay: 10/10 She's a very sweet girl
Jessica: 10/10 She's my bestfriend, and she's a gamer chick
Bri: 10/10 Because she's awesome
Ash: 10/10 She's a fabulous chick haven't you heard?
Sarah: 10/10 Another Sarah except with an H this time? I don't know her D:
Alex: 10/10 #Tlex
Liz: 10/10 She's a pretty down to earth person
Abbey: 10/10 She seems like a cool person

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Liked by: BLAKE Alexandra jess

How many times a day do you visit Ask.fm?

At least once a day or twice a day. It's on my tabs and I've bookmarked it, so yeah. xD

Damn. My laptop screen cuts off right at the waist of the guy in your background.

eebone’s Profile PhotoAlbeh
Mine does too, lolz. It's blurred anyways if you wanted to see the lower half of his body. xD
Liked by: Albeh

How do you feel about jaylin leaving?

Aww jeez, so many people leaving. I thought she was a nice person. Very beautiful girl too. Hope no one tells her different. I feel as though she could maybe keep in touch with her online friends. I mean, Internet or not those are your friends. You've gained a close relationship with them all, and they all seem to mean very much to you. It may be hard when school is around to keep in touch with them, believe me I know how that is. But still make time for them. When you want to hang out with your real life friends, go hang out them. Your internet friends will understand.
But this is her decision, and she feels this is the right choice, then so be it. I'll miss seeing her around!
Liked by: jess

Lady Gaga's "Applause", or Katy Perry's "Roar"? Which one do you like better? (personally, I like applause better) :)

The Applause music video was nice. Weird as hell as planned, nicely done Lady Gaga. She's pleased me on that. The song was cool. I liked it. ^_^ Katy Perry song was nice too, but the only reason I prefer Gaga's more is because she's not talking about a damn boy or a failed relationship for the billionth time.

What time of day is your favorite?

Closing time. When it's 8:59pm at work and you're just waiting for that one last minute to pass so you can finally close up shop!
Liked by: JayyVonMonroe

Dear people I follow, would you rather be blind or be a vegetarian for the rest of your life? I was kinda asked this question earlier and I got curious of what others would think.

johanniepie’s Profile PhotoHan
A vegetarian for the rest of my life. I'd rather not eat meat than be blind for the rest of my life. I love my sight, and I would hate if it was gone.
Liked by: Alexandra

I thik that was the most disturbing thing I have watched, the gummy bear ad.

Bunnytu’s Profile PhotoAlexandra
Lolz I know right? When I first saw this on Robot Chicken, I could not stop laughing because it was so weird, yet very funny! xD
Liked by: Alexandra

forumers: prettiest - ugliest - most annoying - nicest - funniest - laziest - sexiest - most fun - fill in the gap

Prettiest: All
Ugliest: None
Most annoying: Spammers
Nicest: All
Funniest: All
Laziest: As far I know, only me. xD
Sexiest: All
Most fun: All
Liked by: JayyVonMonroe Jess

Who is the prettiest ex/former forumer?

All of them! There. They're all equally beautiful. But if I really had to chose someone, Vice Loser. No one really knows her nor do they know how she looks besides me. :]


Language: English