

Ask @SeductivePrince

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Daily Q: If you had to assassinate one of the American presidents, which would it be and why?

jadeybowl’s Profile PhotoJadidaddy
George W Bush because he was just a crappy president all around, and he really messed up our economy. And I hope he doesn't become president, but if so another one would have to be Donald Trump, because not only is he seriously wacked up and ignorant, he's an embarrassment to his own political party. They want absolutely nothing to do with him. xD

Do you believe that every art contest should have limits on who can join? Say for instance a really talented artist has won 5 contests in a row, do you believe the next contest should be available to them? Why or why not?

ourWorldFlannel’s Profile PhotoVee
Well it all comes down to the contest creator's preference. I don't think anyone should be limited to joining a contest, just because of how talented one user may be a drawing. If anything it should make other users want to try harder and excel their skills further. I know that's how it usually is for me when I see a talented artist on the forums. They inspire me to do better and to keep on drawing. xD

Question 1: I know I've asked this before, but I want to see everyone's opinion again. Should a student who has a fear of public speaking be forced to do public presentations or should they just be able to do it in front of the teacher? Why?

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
My opinion is still the same. Speaking in front of an audience is something that you're going to have to adjust to in life. I didn't like speaking in front of people in college when I had to do my presentations, but it was something that had to be done. There's a few things a person can try, a few of them I did, to really help ease your nerves. Making notes of your own (little sticky notes) usually helps, reading out of the book really helps me, and don't be afraid to read it out loud, and also joining study groups tends to help. Even if you don't say much, they really can help you adjust and maybe you'll come out of your shell a bit.

Opinion on this new HO forumer confession BS account? (Obviously you know my opinion.)

ourWorldFlannel’s Profile PhotoVee
Like I've said in the past, if you have something to say to someone whether nice or negative, you should just be upfront with a person. The compliment pages seems nice, since they're not going to be tolerating negativity, but this page is like a mixture of both and I'm sure users are going to use it as a way to vent on anon about others users. Regardless of whether a page is about being mean or being nice, people should just be honest and frank with people if they have something they need to say to them. xD

You said you've never had someone do something cute for you so... I'm sending you a virtual smile ? and hope you have a great day, your a great person btw!!

Why thank you! This is especially very kind of you! I hope you have a lovely day!

How do you get onto your blacklist? How do you get off your blacklist? Is there anyone on it?

forumerfriend’s Profile Photoforumer friend
Well I have one on my art topic, but no one has never been on it. I don't even know why I have it to be honest, since I'm a pretty easy going person, and it's hard to piss me off. I'm actually against them, since I don't see a point in publicly displaying someone's name negatively because it is negative and it's embarrassing. At least in my view it is, I don't see the good in them, I'm sorry. But! I can understand why some people have them. I don't like them, but I can understand why some people have them because, whether it's negative or not, sometimes you have to do what you have to do to show a person you're not going to take the nonsense.

What are your three weaknesses?

egoudreau15’s Profile PhotoEmilyy ❤️
I'm can sometimes be too nice and I care too much at times when it's not the time nor the place to be. D:
Video games would have to be another. I can play videogames for hours if I do decide to play.
Anime would have to be a third, because I love it especially when there's a hot character whether female or male involved that's face is interesting and intriguing to stare at. xD

He didn't send me that, but I would love to live in either Runescape or the Pokemon world.

I've never played Runescape, but I heard that it was awesome! And pokemon, aw man I'd love to live in the pokemon world. As long as I'd get to be a Pikachu, I'd be good right there! xD
Liked by: stephen

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be?

So many TV shows, particularly animes, I'd love to live in. Sword Art Online is one because you're in a real life mmorpg game fighting for your life. If only the anime itself didn't suck. Supernatural would be fun to be apart of. Ouran High School Host Club seems like it'd be just a ball of laughs to join. One movie I'd pick would have to be Coraline or the Cone heads.

Daily Q: What's the worst thing you've ever done? Like really bad?

jadeybowl’s Profile PhotoJadidaddy
Besides me calling my mom out of her name before? Because I recall that's the worst possible thing I've done. I guess another time would be when this guy I used to go to school with in grade school would push girls out of their chairs by grabbing the legs of the chair and pulling. And he just thought it was the funniest thing in the world, until he did it to this one girl on this particular day and he made her cry. Felt no remorse for doing it or anything, so I grabbed the legs of his chair and pulled while preceding to knock all of his books off the table. I got a detention for that as did he, but it served him well and he never did it again since!

Daily Q: What is the cutest thing you've ever done for someone? Or the cutest thing someone has done for you?

jadeybowl’s Profile PhotoJadidaddy
I remember for one mother's day, I bought my mom a whole bouquet of flowers, a stuff bear, chocolates, and a new coffee mug for her. It was when I had first got my job at KFC and I was finally able to do something special for her, so I went all out. I don't think I've ever had someone do something cute for me. xD

What feature/skill, whether it be physical or mental, are you complimented on the most?

Physically would have to be my hair mostly. I don't understand why, but some people love my hair. xD
Mental would be my creative drawing skills I suppose.


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