
Nutella Is Better Than You xo

Ask @SydneeySwagger

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oh my god..you must get this so much but your are seriously perfection.Your so amazingly beautiful and adorable!I dont even know you but i saw you on the stream and had to tell you this:)Sorry but honestly you just look super cute :3 Hope Your having a good day

Aw this is actually the cutest thing ever omfg
Come off anon pls?
Ily xoxo

Are you a better talker or listener?

Starting to feel like you just want nothing to do with me
Feelings are the worst invention ever

cba to write on my account so Christina :D you're one of my best friends, you're stunning, gorgeous, so funny, lovely, you always make my day, you're always there for me and I love you for that, our jokes >>>>>, I wish you'd get snapchat :P but you're perfect and I love talking to you all the time x

Aw aw aw aw aw my prince:')
I love you so much hols:3
Thank you<3 made my day! xo


You're perfect ok?
You're my best frand
You're fab
Followed for a g e s
Not even joking
You're my lilo and con can go somewhere;)))))))
You're my boo<3
So lovely
Can tell you anything and trust you
That's rare tbh
I love you lots perfect
Pop up more pls:3
Liked by: ishara SayWeCanDie


Language: English