
Nutella Is Better Than You xo

Ask @SydneeySwagger

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What is the weather like where you live

lolol . Crazy . One day its like 100 degrees the next its 40 -__-

We don't know each other. We've never met, never even spoken, but your photo caught my eye and I ended up on your profile. And let me tell you, you're so, so beautiful. Unbelievably gorgeous. You're just perfect and I wish I knew you. Well, this is probably kind of annoying, so I'm gonna go c:

callmecrayola’s Profile Photo3 inches of pure power
Awhhhh , that's so sweeet , Awhh ly . It's not annoying . Pop up sometime lovely ♡

What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?

Excuuuse me , I don't get 15 minutes , I get a lifetime obvs x

opinion on gays?x

omfg tbh it's too adorbs/sexy to be gross . like it's so cute . haha :')
love is love , deal with it. x

Opinion on me? (sent to everyone I follow) xoxo <3

weeeeell sophiee , you're amazing . We haven't talked in forever . but yeah . I love talking to you. You're sweet , gorgeous , and yeah pop up sometime :') <3 xo


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