
Nutella Is Better Than You xo

Ask @SydneeySwagger

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What do you hate?

When someone tells me things like 'oh I can't talk now sorry'
But they go and talk to other people
And I'm like
Well then ..
like no can you not with yourself fs
Liked by: Bruce Wayne

Opinion of me?

| Kyle Harding
Aw hai ky
We used to be rly close
But we never talk anymore
I hope you're doing okay!
You're v lovely
Such a sweetheart
Always made me smile
Should rly talk to me every once in a while ygm
But yh I hope you're doing good xo

not really, just went to my mom's for Easter Dinner and watched UFC, and went to my sponsor's for Easter Dinner

Aw sounds fun haha I went to my grandmothers for dinner but that's it Lels x

how was your Easter Weeeknd, do anything exciting?

Not really aw I came back from the beach that's it you? xo

Feeling shit atm and could do with someone cheering me up so opinion on me pls? :3 (btw if you get this I follow you) x

I love you loads Hollehh
You're my Bestfriend
You mean the world to me
You always make me smile
I trust you with everything
You're perfect
Love you boo xo


Language: English