
Yousra Elzaafarany

Ask @YousraElzafrany

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Where would you bury your treasure if you had some?

Msh 7a2ulak 3shan matgeesh tesr2hum :P (2al y3ni 3ndi treasure usln) xD

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If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Difficult , ana b7b elta3'yeer :D

Define Love.

Difficult Question :D
It's an awesome feeling , the person feel it when he/she realize that he/she cares about the person he/she loves and wants to talk to him/her and love talking with him/her , it can be between friends , family and everyone you know , we can't live without love bec. it's the source of happiness in life . there's alot of things we can describe LOVE with but i can't say more than this :D

Ah ana t2reban nw bsh7at 3la da3wat:D, atsl beky bukra isa 3la kam tkouny gbteha?:D:$

M3rfsh 7shuf mama , ana 7tsl beeki isa , haty nmrtk 3shan mob. bytsl7 w msh m3aya nmrt 77ad :(

Geo. shaylah, algebra shaylaha, eng al shaylah arabic shaylah, derasat shaylah ana 7anga7 b 2eh tyb?:D hahahhahahahah

Hahahahaah w science blnsba lya kman :D

"أتكلم ب SLOPE أحسن من كدا" -مدرسMATH Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah :D fakra l slope hahahhahhahahahah

Hahahahahahaha :D ana 7sa eny shayla kaza madda kda :O rabena yeg3al klmna 5afif :D

Malesh 3elaka beltamam el7 y3ny , bs enty lea kda?:O

3shan metwatara 3shan el shahada :@ wente akid zaye brduuu :D

bura7a 3alia , ana bfkar a5bat rasy fel7eet mar3oba 5l2a ana :D, rbena m3ana wenty 3mla ea?:D

ana msh tmam el7 wenty ?


Language: English