
Yousra Elzaafarany

Ask @YousraElzafrany

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So you wanna die? great then take me with you, cuz you know what? if you wish to die "think of those who love you" don't only think abut anything else, and guess what there is nothing in this world which deserve saying this we are teens, shofna eh men eldonya 3ashan 3ayzeen death? life is so simple

Hahaahaha okay hunnieee :*
I'm okay x

Leeh bs kada 3ayza tomoty 2olely l meday2k bs wana 2wareh :D

Hahahahahaha xD
3ady 3ady nvm :')
I think en death a7sn bs msh aktr :') bs lw rbena radee 3nny :)
Thank You For Caring <3

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Hwa msh lpast wla lpresent , I hope the future will be better isa x

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En mahma 3mlt 3shan akhalle 7d y7bnee , msh 73rf akhleeh y7bnee 3shan msh b2diehum enhum y7bunee w en 23'lb lnas msl7gya , tegy ts2l 3lek 3shan t3rf 7aga aw tkun 3yza 7aga w b3den mtshufhumsh tany , wla akenuhum y3rfuk w en life is so small f msh lazm az3l w afdal mtnkda , I have to smile whatever happens w en brdu I dnt have to care about ppl who don't even think about me!

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Lie , ykun msl7gy -.-
W another things.

Hahahaha alak ana el3ndy kol l shafawy we l solok felhwa we elemta7an mama helwa we l quiz m2olkesh ahahhahahhaha yala nsale b3d felseef B)

Hahahahahahahhha xD
Ana 7tnfe5 usln xD

I knw, bs ana kman mmsktosh msh fahma ay batee5 asln :D yala elfadel feldragat tshelo we malo :D

Hahahahahahhahahaha xD
Ana msa msh 7tla2y 3ndee dragat khals , wla hw wla emt7an wla 7ta quiz wla selouuk wla shfawy haha xD

Heya 7atlem elkorasat bt3t elmath? :D m3lsh t3baky :$

T3bany? Nty hbla? :p
M3rfsh bs ana m3mltsh ay h.w khals wla fy ay madda wntee 3rfa leh :')


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