
Yousra Elzaafarany

Ask @YousraElzafrany

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When did you first fall in love?

When I was born , I loved my parents from the very begining I think? :p

Dina khaled is ?

An amazing friend , a wonderful cousin , she has a great pesonality , I can't say how much I adore her , she is my secret kepper , I trust her awee , she never told my secrets to anyone , she is always besides me , she is one who is always help me even if I am wrong , yu know sa7eb sa7bu? Hya kda :') I don't expect that she will hurt me one day , she is kind , caring , helpful <3 No one can replace her in my heart , and words aren't enough to tell her how much I adore her , she is my everything and she is life usln , I can't imagine my life without her :') I Adore youu gurl x God bless you :* these words aren't enough for you but I can't express how much you mean to me , you mean to me a lot :*

معني كلمة تويتر ... ت: تذاكر اية بس يابني ؟، و: وحتي لو ذاكرت، ي: يعنى انتا نافع، ت: تفتكر هتنجح ؟، ر: روح يابني انت كدا كدا ساقط.

Hahahhahahaha 7lwaa :')

aktar 7aga momkn t5aleky t7eby el odamek gdan?

Be caring, understands me well, kind and always besides me when I need her.


Language: English