Ask @baekjei

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jeyyy maafin kalo sksd tp cuma mau blg ur voice is sooooo cute. lucu bgt suara mu di vr huhu enak aja gitu✌

baekjei’s Video 126323802862

Tentunya anda sudah pernah mendengar mengenai isu "global warming" dan "climate change". Apa pendapat anda tentang dua isu internasional tersebut?

Oh, no, thanks. I talked about that REALLY a lot back then. Nope, not gonna talk about that anymore, fed-up.
Just do realize that the world is already too old, you better be friendlier to it or take the risk of your careless acts.
Liked by: ғanιѕy

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Kak ff sehun kesenengan album nya dibeli Miranda Kerr..

Ga mungkin mb Kerr yang beli lah, itu pasti dikasih. Jadi gini ceritanya,

SM: Sehun, karena lo ulangtahun nanti pas lagi kambek. Kita kasih lo hadiah spesial.
Sehun: hah apatuhh?
SM: lo boleh ngirimin satu album dgn cover dan photobook lo utk Miranda Kerr, plus boleh nulis ucapan ke dia.
Sehun: ...
Sehun: sum--sumpah?

Kemudian Sehun pun sibuk nulis2, kabarnya album Sehun abis gara2 kebanyakan dipake buat coret2 sama dia soalnya salah terus ucapannya gaada yg sreg. Sampe akhirnya Sehun mengirim satu album yg bertuliskan "Check out our album, I'm a big fan!! E.X.O Listen!! To. Miranda Kerr!!" dan ditulis dengan perasaan yang overwhelming (makanya tiap kalimat ada tanda seru!!).
Hari dimana mb Kerr ngepost di Instagram,
Sehun: *scroll scroll*
Sehun: *membatu*
Sehun: what.....
Sehun: gais gais
Sehun: GAIS
Sehun: *berlarian kesana kemari*

Dikabarkan sempat terjadi kerusuhan di dorm EXO yang diakibatkan oleh instagram update seorang model mancanegara.

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kak jeyi kok mukanya mirip temenku sih. hahaha?

Iya emang, orang2 kembarannya ada 7, gue kayaknya ada 100 deh.

Ngeliat foto di ff kak jey yang baek minta temenin kepernikahan temennya malah merhatiin jongin yang lagi tiduran dibelakang #salahfokus

Ngeliatin jonginnya atau.... kaos kakinya?
Liked by: Shafa Kamasinta

Would you tell us about your first love?

Whoa I don't know. I woke up to this question and think a lot about it, I think I've grown up a bit lol.

Did my first love happen 15 years ago, when I cried a lot for a friend (it's a boy) whose head bumped to something hard and bleed?
Did my first love happen 14 years ago, when I kept on hiding from another boy shyly?
Did my first love happen 11 years ago, when I finally wrote a 'love letter' to a boy, exchanging chocolates, even the innocent feelings?
Did my first love happen 6 years ago, to a boy whose younger than me so that we fought quite a lot because we're both still immature?
Or did my first love happen 7 years ago, to a boy who's out of my so-called-idealtype, who gives me a lot of sweet words and all, pats on head, smiles, high-fives, sorries, and promises?

I don't know, enlighten me.
P.s. pssst! guess which one is my boyfriend(s) :p

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Kak ff baekhyun minta temenin ke pernikahan temen nya dong

EH KOK TAU AJA SIH??? Gue baru aja pulang nih abis nemenin Baekhyun dtg ke nikahan temennya hmm.
Ya dia waktu itu mintanya gini,

"Jeeey, liat deh." katanya sambil ndusel2 ke bahu gue, terus ngasih liat chat dari temennya, "Temen aku hari Minggu ini mau nikah."
"Wah iyaa? Congrats yaa salamin dari aku, aku kenal gak?"
"Engga sih.. tapi dia tau kamu hehe."
"Mm gituu, asik yaa udah nikah." kata gue sambil tiba2 nyibukkin diri sama hape, entah kenapa muka gue kayaknya merah habis ngomong gitu.
"Asik? Kamu mau?" katanya sambil senyum, taulah senyumnya Baekhyun yang imut tapi iseng gitu.
"A-apaan sih ih."
"Mmm..." dia cuma nyubit pipi gue. "Nanti temenin aku kesana ya?"
"Mm? Iya boleh.."
Terus dia senyum, "Jangan grogi gitu dooong. Tunggu ya? Nanti giliran kita."
"Baekhyun ih!"

Ya gitu deh. Bonus pap tadi aku disuruh rekamin ucapan dia buat temennya sebelum berangkat, tapi kufoto dulu aja hehehe.

((YAAA ENAK BANGET NGAYAL)) ((tapi gue beneran abis dari nikahan tq))

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Jey, in your thought what's my next 10 years going to be and how will our relationship be?

nath0430’s Profile Photo진희
Ahh, 10 years later, you'll be such a successful careerwoman who travel a lot overseas, either for work or a pure holiday. You will have been someone's wife too, maybe your partner in the office or somebody else. And yes, you will travel a lot too with him.
That's all I can predict about yourself in 10 years. And about our relationship,
I wish we'll still be good friends, or maybe better. I may will be busy as well but I wish we still can hang out together, or maybe travel around! :)
Liked by: 진희

ka jeyii minta dp nya dong ka. dooh gakuat bat bisa seunyu itu

just open the askfm via web and click on it? you can save it by yourself ^^ hm?

lagu yang cocok buat stop motion semangat ujian apa ya? makasih sebelumnyaa

Gue lupa penyanyinya siapa, tapi pokonya yg itu deh, we could be heroeeeeees uuuuuu

It's Saturday! What are you doing today?

At this time, I'm still considering going out to meet up since it's so passive here at home.
there are more consideration to think of as well :(

Kak aku udh nonton END... untung yang baek ma sehun cuman isengin moongayoung doang...


((sabar sabar))
((jeyi udahan marah sama baekhunnya dari semalem)) ((udahan jey))

jeyi udah download ost next door yang di nyayiin baekhyun? kalo udah download dmn? makasii

udah rilis?


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