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Some similar book series to harry potter?

I am sorry but I cannot answer this question as I'm still searching for one as well. #nothingcanbecomparedtoHP
Liked by: Puspitadmy

..... And then when I watch da movies, I really damn in love with it. And then when I read da 1st book until the, I'm also falling in love with it. So what do u think? Why do I hate da book in da 1st, but after I watch the movie and re-read the book until the end I'm falling in love with it?

I think you're the time of person who doesn't care if you get spoiled. You enjoy movies and books equally, and that's wonderful! You're not too picky and the fact that you will still read a book after watching the movie means dedication. There's nothing wrong with that, love. Embrace it!

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Having insomnia lately or what? Xx

Mhmm. It's the summer holidays love, plus I reckon spamming twitter with askfm answers in the middle of the night is less likely to bug people. ;)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE ANSWER THIS ONE. How many books have you read your entire life??? and how many hard copies of books do you have now?

According to goodreads, it's 123 books.
Erm, 16 hardcovers, anon! :)

I love Harry Potter series and The Chronicles of Narnia series. And I like The Mortal Instruments series , The Huger Games trilogy, Divergent trilogy, Percy Jackson series. Any other book advice to read but still inthe same theme? (I like it even if I'm not finished all of them yet)

The Maze Runner
Shatter Me series
Delirium trilogy
The Lunar Chronicles
Eon & Eona (super badass)
Liked by: Thalia Nurul Ulum

im excited to read game of thrones. have you read it? is it any good?

ME TOO. I think I might try reading that for the readathon... #spoilers
Nope, I have not read it, but why not read it with me? :) and in case you're interested in the readathon: bit.ly/bcidreadathon

are you a guy or a girl? or are you like several people?

A girl. :)
In this askfm account, it's just me.
On twitter, it's mostly me and my 2 co-owners (both females).

for the readathon, does e-novella count as the last book of a series? (such as The Bane Chronicles)

YES! :)

I have 2 questions : 1. Have you ever read fifty shades of grey? 2. Do you know Aaron Warner? If you do, please describe him to me :3 (cause he is the sexiest fictional guy that i could ever imagined and tbh, i always dreaming about him._.v is it normal?) *it's currently 3 questions, tho*

1. Nope. Not into BDSM novels.
2. Oh, you mean my boyfriend? Yeah, I know him. I love him. And his blonde hair. And his strong arms. And the way he insults adam because he thinks he's so superior, but we all know he's just another emotionally wrecked animal. And we love him for that. I love him.
3. Nope. Not weird at all.

i have a ridiculous amount of TBR.. but mann, i'm in a reading slump.. AND I WANT TO GET OVER IT.. but its so hard:(

Pick a light book to start with, or a book you've REALLY wanted to read for a while. Start from there.
Or you could reduce that TBR pile by reading with the whole community during our upcoming readathon! http://bit.ly/bcidreadathon

I'm not trying to insult this movie. But this is the truth. I watched TFIOS until the end of the movie. But I'm not crying at all. Don't hate me. I'm not yet finished. I'm home and read peoples's tweets about TFIOS. Then imagining if I'm Hazel. And that's when my tears running down my cheek. Wdyt ?

Dear, this is not an insult! I get it if you don't feel the feels or anything. It's a movie - not everyone is bound to like it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. :)

have you read Fallen series? is it any good?

Nope. Read Betrayal by the same author and didn't like it, really, so I was slightly put off...

i love scrolling down this account. both you and anon are lovely <33

Thank you so much lovely anon! xx

have you read an abundance of katherines???? was it good? Thanks :)

I have, it was alright. Wasn't my favourite but wasn't horrible either. Too much footnotes IMO.

maybe you can gimme book recommendation for this long long howidayyy :3

I would if you could please tell me some of your favourites/genres you enjoy, love! :)

Have you read This is a Love Story by Jessica Thompson? What do you think about it?

I have not, sorry!

I'm thinking about give Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennan series a shot. what do you think about them?

I've never heard of the author nor the series before. Try checking Goodreads and look over some of the reviews. :)

Did u like a tale for the time being? I wanna read it,actually.

Never read/heard of it before, sorry! :)


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