
Breanne Gelowitz

Ask @breanneisacutie

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Who sent the last text message you received?

The name is slutty bae in my phone so you know the drill #sex

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who is a friend you know is always there for u if you need them

Breanne Mak, Allison, Kendra, Lauren, Cody, Taryn

Which friend gives you the best advice

My sister is the person I normally turn to for advice. But also Stephanie and Dalaney give good advice when I need anything:) I have a lot of other great friends!

is there anyone you wish you were closer to

I wish I was better friends with Dalaney! We used to be best friends and I wish we still were! I also wish I was closer with the other people I used to hang around with!
Liked by: Hannah Herman

Did Allison do that as a joke? Or actually to be mean?

As a joke haha. She's my best friend and she doesn't do anything to be mean

Why is there a picture of your ass?

Because Allison Berge made the ytown ugliest account to make fun of me and it went a little far. I sent her that picture like 6 months ago as a joke


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