
Breanne Gelowitz

Ask @breanneisacutie

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Alot of truths, not rumours are spread about Hannah Hermen because they are true. She is a 2faced bitch!

That's cool. But I actually like her so maybe you need to get to know her better. Be nice for once, I bet you Hannah would really appreciate it and so would I
Liked by: Hannah Herman

Thoughts on Alexis guy and Sara wrishko?

Lexi was my bench buddy for saints season and I ended up being the backup stop watch person;) that proves how gr8 Lexi really is;) she is extremely pretty and I respect her very much! She's great at everything she does!
And sara I've already said but i respect her very much for being such a great person. She makes sure everyone feels special and I value that in a person!! She's also very beautiful!

Thoughts on sarah wrishko

Sara** she is a really nice girl. She makes everyone feel special and I really respect that. We don't hang out that much but when we do it's usually a great time :) Sara is so beautiful inside and out and I hope to become friends with her!

You're great! Don't worry about the mean stuff Anons say about you. You are a fun loving and great person. :)

Well thank you :) but anon doesn't really bother me because most of the things anon says is untrue! :)

Thoughts on Hannah Herman?

She is very pretty, we have had some great times together and we were in gymnastics together for a very long time. A lot of rumors get spread around about her and I choose not to believe any because she is a good person when you get to know her! She is a strong girl and a great one at that
Liked by: Hannah Herman

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Ask them if they wanna be bæ and if they say nah then I'll threaten to kill there family until I AM BAE

Its ben and everything means the opposite hahahaha

Ohhhhh shit I forgot Benny, I wicks h8 you yo and you would never be my son!!! Haha

Tbo you are mean and not my mom.

Umm what? Who is this and I'm sorry if I've ever been mean to you... It was not my intention..


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