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QOTD: Which vidder has your favourite username? (JUST your favourite username 😊, not favourite editing/etc.)

charizzaard, ChemAttraction, Frozensify, gss42x, livart, lookingforastar, MoonCalledA, pingvi, Pteryx, Shainira, SmokeyFiizz, ThePeachAlien

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Mayté's QOTD 💕- What are your favorite vids (at the moment) about these shows (it can be vids about the show itself, a couple from the show, a character, ..) BUT #1 rule.. only ONE video (yes, I'm evil, hahaha). Shows: TVD, TO, TW, PLL, Shadowhunters, The 100, GameOfThrones & Supernatural. :-)

MayteQOTD’s Profile PhotoMayté's QOTD

How do you store all those episodes onn your pc without having storing issues ?

who says i don't have storing issues lol
first of all, i have a 500gb hard drive + 2 external drives (3tb in total)
second, i regularly clean them and delete things i don't need anymore/replace with smaller eps.
third, i cut episodes of some shows. for example, the vampire diaries s6 episodes were taking up like 20-30gb. that is far too much! considering that i only had them for bonnie's storyline. so i sat down and cut them in freemake, and now the whole s6 takes a bit more than 4gb. magicc :D
it's all about efficiency, really ^^
Liked by: Matt.

Mayté's Kiss/marry/kill (💋/💍/💩) TVD/TO-edition! Here we go! // Damon/Stefan/Matt - Alaric/Jeremy/Tyler - Enzo/Kai/UncleJohn - Klaus/Elijah/Kol - Marcel/Vincent/Josh - Finn/Mikael/Lucien // Elena/Bonnie/Caroline - Katherine/Jenna/Liv - Vicki/Anna/Lilly - Hayley/Rebekah/Freya - Camille/Davina/Esther

MayteQOTD’s Profile PhotoMayté's QOTD
Kiss: Stefan
Marry: Matt
Kill: Damon
Kiss: Jeremy
Marry: Alaric
Kill: Tyler, sorreh
Kiss: Enzo
Marry: Kai, but not really xd
Kill: John
Kiss: Kol
Marry: Elijah
Kill: Klaus
- don't watch TO so idk who those ppl are -
Kiss: Caroline
Marry: Bonnie
Kill: Elena
Kiss: Katherine
Marry: Jenna
Kill: Liv
Kiss: Vicki
Marry: Anna
Kill: Lilly
Kiss: Freya
Marry: Rebekah
Kill: Hayley
Liked by: Mayté's QOTD

Do you have any merch at home? PAP!

I have some ASoIaF merch: a Stark coffee mug and a calendar. Won both in internet contests. :D
Liked by: saniiღ

You discover an island and decide to build your own society. What is the first rule you put into place?

This is literally my fave thing when it comes to games (Northland came the closest to fulfilling that dream...).
But in real life? That's tough. I guess the very first rule would be: I'm your boss, you have to listen to me. xD

A Perfect Circle + Merlin. This is how I've found you at the first place ❤️

AWWW really? <3
It's like the perfect combo though. I loved vidding their songs to Merlin. :D

QOTD: If you had to vid an entire album, which would it be?

There is one album I already vidded half of. xD It's "Thirteenth Step" by A Perfect Circle and it is AMAZING.
Those videos were made a long time ago (mainly in my second "Merlin" phase) so most of them are utter crap but it counts. :D
(Please don't laugh at how bad they are, look at the dates.)
1. The Package (I actually had a Morgana project to it but it never came to live)
2. Weak and Powerless
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzy92vb4NEkcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 Hzy92vb4NEkcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 Hzy92vb4NEk
3. The Noose
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ocp1xV0Oe0cassaravi’s Video 136140727011 9Ocp1xV0Oe0cassaravi’s Video 136140727011 9Ocp1xV0Oe0
4. Blue (also had a project for this one but dropped it, it was with Sally from Being Human)
5. Vanishing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owJcslYrgoccassaravi’s Video 136140727011 owJcslYrgoccassaravi’s Video 136140727011 owJcslYrgoc
7. The Outsider
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dSqqvrZszwcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 9dSqqvrZszwcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 9dSqqvrZszw
10. Pet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=casarGGQrGIcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 casarGGQrGIcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 casarGGQrGI
12. Gravity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhUcvHCWUL4cassaravi’s Video 136140727011 mhUcvHCWUL4cassaravi’s Video 136140727011 mhUcvHCWUL4

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cassaravi’s Video 136140727011 Hzy92vb4NEkcassaravi’s Video 136140727011 Hzy92vb4NEk

QOTD: If you were training to be a superhero, what fictional character would train you in combat? (Doesn't have to be a superhero, tbh I would pick Isabelle Lightwood)

I'd be terrible at combat. Instead I would like to be trained by Leslie Knope at the art of being productive and organized. She is my role model.
Liked by: G

QOTD: As vidders, we've all done some silly things. What's one of your #ViddingFails? (Ex. When I started vidding I had hard cuts instead of crossfades because when the clips overlapped I thought the curves were a big X and it was a mistake 😂😂🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽.)

The most spectacular was probably the fast that until a year ago, I had no idea you could separate the tracks from each other and delete the ones you don't need. I was just hoarding the ones I didn't need and muted the tracks. My projects were so messy.
& I discovered how to separate them totally by accident while editing my Falling Skies video. I thought I broke my Vegas and then... the moment of realisation. And facepalm. :D

*Share it to the world hun xD* Because i was just going through my old vids & talked about it to Aneta the other day .. How many vids did you edit in total? How many per fandom/what is your most vidded fandom? How many of those videos are actually online today, or rather did you remove some?

*Aneta is me. i'm Aneta. i feel so proud rn*
my folder says 106 videos, including some that were never uploaded and not counting collabs
most vidded fandoms - teen wolf (16 vids)
supernatural is a close second with 11 vids ^^
Liked by: Bettina

https://ask.fm/cassaravi they probably won't focus on him much till the end of the season but if they will follow the comics, Carl is gonna get an interesting arc when Negan appearce in the show (if you wanna know why, just ask) so we surely will see him more next season! c:

yeah i know about the upcoming carl/negan thing, and I wanna be excited but getting shot was supposed to be a huge storyline and where are we now? he doesn't even appear in the episodes. not even as background, like he used to in s5. I'm just fed up because I was so excited for this, you know? and I want to be excited but then I wouldn't be surprised if they gave that story to someone else anyway. at this point, I wouldn't be surprised.
because it was THIS season that was supposed to be more focused on him. i've been let down so many times that i've turned old and bitter xD
but that's the thing about me and twd - once i connected with carl so much in 4x09, all i've wanted from the show was to give this boy some storylines. he's proven he can fucking carry almost an entire episode by himself. and since then the quality of the show dramatically dropped for imo, there were great episodes but not enough of them. so now that there are eps without carl i don't even feel like i need to watch them because he's the only thing keeping me with that show.
sorry for the rant, and some probably unpopular opinions xd
but yeah... that's the thing more or less

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Liked by: Yasmin.

QOTD: You're on the run from the police. What's your fake name? (You can explain if you like!)

Cassidy Sanders. :D
There is a pretty long story behind this name but it's too stupid and complicated to explain. ;p
Or if it has to be in my language, it would be Iwona Daweo.
This story I can tell. It was my character for a tv script I wrote for my friends. Each of us was a character in that script, but we had different names. The story itself was about us (total strangers there) getting to know each other and accidentally becoming drug dealers. Oops. xD
Sometimes we even acted some scenes from the script as our characters. It was a long time ago but gah, was it fun. :D
Liked by: G

QOTD: (I'm real bitter and some of you know why) What actor or actress on any show do you feel is underused/underrated?

Chandler Riggs (Carl) on TWD.
I mean... There was no Carl in the last 2 episodes... Like, at this point I'd be happy even just seeing him in the background. But nope. Nada. Promo for next week's episode? Nnope, no Carl. *sigh*
I mean, they did just make him get shot in the head and lose his eye. But apparently then thought "why bother with any kind of storyline". It's not like he's one of the main characters.
Liked by: Keiko


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