

Ask @claraoswiin

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http://imgur.com/tGefdpp See this. It is, or not, the reality of today?

no?? because sometimes it's actually about homophobia??? just because there are a few cases were oppressed people assume someone refuses them a service because of their race/sexuality/gender (probably b/c it's happened to them in the past) doesn't mean every oppressed person is like that?? if you think every gay person is like that and makes you avoid/dislike us then you're homophobic sorry

I'm queer, and the idea of straight people owing me something is ridiculous. Yes please, pay me $30 because things I've never had to experience happened to people who lived before me. What are you asking for? How about we strive for equality, forgive and forget, and not become hypocrites.

i'm asking for equality, too! in my opinion, straight people owe us something after having treated us like shit for centuries. they owe us places in government. they owe us full equal laws. they owe us the ability to walk down the street without being worried about being attacked for being queer. they owe us safe places because they've made the world the opposite of a safe place. if we don't make sure straight people know that what they've done is wrong and what they're doing right now is wrong, it won't stop. maybe we'll get equal rights, but we'll still be ridiculed. we'll still have no representation on tv. white, straight people will still be in power and minorities will be left in the dust. we'll be left with a repeat of "well black people and women have rights so they're clearly not oppressed anymore". if you think the concept of them owing us something is ridiculous, then that's fine. but acknowledge that not everyone feels the same. while some people want a rainbow-filled happy journey to equality, some people want to tear down the oppressive forces and put minorities into power. no matter what your opinion on how to go about it, we all have one goal in mind. that's what we should focus on. instead of tearing down queer people for their opinions, you should be telling straight people what they're doing wrong. the same goes for straight people. we need to acknowledge the problems at home before we can reach full equality.

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wow thank you actually. you've given me a new outlook on all of this.

oh good! i'm glad. i'm sorry if i came off as rude at first. passion is both a blessing and a burden. :)

I don't think that people should pay for what their ancestors did wrongly. Times have changed. The only thing we are owed is equality. And of course there are people that will always hate us but no one can be liked by every person.

well, yeah. but that's your opinion. not every queer person feels that way. not every queer person can forgive straight people as a whole. i'm not saying that's personally how i feel. what i'm saying is that not everyone feels that way. a lot of queer people feel like they're owed something. it's a matter of opinion and the way you personally feel about the way queers have been treated in the past and the way you've personally been treated. unless someone is outright hating on every straight person they ever come across, you have to respect their opinion and respect their thoughts. we're a minority who's barely heard by majorities. if not even our own kind of people will hear us, then that's not progress. that's a step backward.

i'm gay and people like you are why so many straight people don't like gays. you're acting like you are above straights but to be treated equally we can't act like we are owed something.

im acting like im above straight people by pointing out straight privilege?? you must not be a hugely educated queer person because we ARE owed something. after centuries of being literally /slaughtered/ for our sexuality (not to mention STILL being shot down when we're finally able to show pride without being guaranteed to be hung for being queer) i think that they do owe us something. that's like saying white people don't owe anything to black people after enslaving them for centuries. im allowed to have my own thoughts and opinions, im allowed to voice them, and if you dont like it, then ignore it.

ik that gay people have it really hard and all, but it's not right to trash straight people either.

ok but i wasnt so bye

you're really pretty omg what nationality are you if you don't mind me asking??

omg what thank you!!!! im portuguese


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