
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What would you consider your magnum opus? Toonami, the block itself, IGPX, or something else entirely?

Matthew Kohlmorgen
I think I will end up being known for Toonami, for better or worse, or for putting Run The Jewels together, haha. But one thing I think I've done and that I might consider my "magnum opus" or more accurately, life's work- is exposing musicians to new audiences and creating fans, and supporting said musicians with both exposure and money. I know for a fact (from fans and artists) I'm responsible for a WHOLE LOT of ppl being put on to artists and many artists being allowed to make music for a living as a result. I believe making art in this day and age is brave and risky, and I'm glad that through AS Singles, Adult Swim On-Air, and Toonami, I've been able to do that consistently for almost 20 years now. Someone reaches out to me pretty much weekly to thank me/tell me about how the first time they heard Flying Lotus, or El-P, or Daft Punk, etc etc was through Adult Swim or Toonami. And honestly, music has meant so much to me ,and saved my life so many times over the years, just knowing I've done something to help spread that joy to other people and help those who create it, is one of the most gratifying feelings in the world.

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You said the you saw Warriors of the Wind as a kid and loved it. So when you finally got to see the original, uncut version Nausicaä what did you think of it?

I was blown away by all the stuff that I hadn't been able to see before! It was like 40 minutes longer!
Liked by: Andrew Abbensett

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What do you think of this picture? https://i.imgur.com/wxW3UtW.png

Hah I like it. There are some definite Miyazaki references littered across THE FORCE AWAKENS. Certainly Rey's outfit, weapon, her entire intro, her bike. I would argue Maz Katana and her Bar, and a bunch of other characters and places in the film.

What TV shows in the new year are you looking forward to?

Oh a ton. Always Sunny, Better Call Saul, more Fargo, Broad City, Bates Motel, The Magicians, 11.22.63, Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones, etc etc.

Why did the Adventure genre of video games die out?

I think the open world genre just sort of took over, it does the same thing but in a bigger way.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of the Half-Life games?

I've played them all and played the Orange Box as well. Love em.

Why do you think the Lightsaber fights in the Force Awakens where shot,edit differently? I believe that JJ really wanted to separate the movie from the Prequels. By doing this it really felt like the originals like the tone, the mystic of the jedi but got rid of the goods from prequels. Agree?

I think JJ as a director just shoots action in a more modern way- a lot of assembled edits of medium shots and close-ups. Lucas shot more in the old-school way, more wide shots. That's all.

This is the last fucking straw. I'm tired of Jose fucking up IGPX and I was gonna buy it but ANOTHER delay? How many times can this dude fuck up? Do you now regret letting Jose do this release instead of doing in-house at Williams Street?

No no no. It was a PRINTING error. It had nothing to do with Jose. Let me be real clear on this, anon: without Jose putting in a year or more's worth of free work on this IGPX re-release, you would not be seeing it. Period. If you're so mad at a delay you're sending angry messages, you need to ease back. It's coming, and it will be good.

How do you feel about the prequels giving Yoda a lightsaber and him jumping around with it? Personally I think it looks ridiculous and undermines the whole pacifist spiritual message he had in Empire

I don't. He never said he was a pacifist, just that a Jedi uses his power only for defense, never to attack. Nowhere in the prequels does he use his lightsaber unless it's to defend himself or others. I look at Yoda more like a Shaolin monk- He knows how to fight, he just doesn't choose to unless he has no choice. I also thought they did a good job of making him seem like he could be a threat in a fight, if pushed to that extreme. To each his own!

Who do you like more? Spike Spiegal, Lupin or Yoda

Yoda is probably my favorite fictional character and has been since I was about 11, so Yoda.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

What is your views on Max Landis? I seem to shared a lot of his views weather its the film industry, TV freedom, etc

He sucks, both as a person and an artist. I look at him and see the very picture of an obnoxious, entitled rich kid.

Mr. DeMarco, My sister was insulted that my parents and me did not invite her to bowling with my other sister. She knew this was happening and could not attend due to her kids sports practice. Now she sent me mean texts. What can I do in this situation? I don't want to cut her out. Thanks!

Well next time invite her anyway, even if you know she can't go, so if she decides to try to make it she can. And tell her not to send you shitty texts over it. It's one night of bowling. I'd say try to let it blow over and move on. Good luck!

hey jason I have a job in college athletics (basketball) The team isn't winning games and everything our staff (including me) does and says is scrutinized by the fans/media. They want the staff fired. I'm just a 2nd year asistant. how do I block out fans saying hurtful things about our staff online?

Honestly this is like any other work that's reviewed by the public. Take it from me, sometimes it's just better not to go looking. Everyone in media approaches this differently. If you can handle it, reading reviews can offer some perspective on how what you're doing affects people. On the other hand, sometimes it can just bum you out. Mentally, with where you're at, I'd say- turn all that shit off. Don't go looking for commentary, it's just going to get in your head. Focus on the issues in front of you and what YOU can do better, if anything. All the rest is just noise. Good luck.

Just wanted to say I really really love the new look of Toonami! And question but once upon a time ago I remember late night(saturdays?) CN would show shows like Dragonball & G-Gundam with there full opens. This wasn't midnight run right? Or am I delusional and did this just never happen?

destroytyler’s Profile PhotoTyler John
That never happened, sorry!

Have a sales job at my company, I have been over performing for years with no raise. Got a call 2day from another company willing to pay me better. How can I us this as leverage & stand up to my boss and demand a raise? I lack confidence any advice?

I would just get a meeting with your boss, and lay out what you feel your accomplishments are, and why you think this means you deserve a raise. If your boss refuses, walk away, accept the other job, and quit as soon as they say yes. Don't use the job offer as leverage, your boss will likely resent it. Just be ready to quit, if you need to. Good luck!


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