
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you shop online if so what sites do you use?

I pretty much buy everything online besides groceries. Common sites I use: Amazon, EBay, Eastbay, Zappos, Discogs, iTunes, bandcamp...
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Totally not complaining, I'm just really curious... Why go with marathons this year over movies? Better ratings, or just didn't want to rehash the same set of movies again?

Better ratings, WAY less money.

Do you watch sports? What are your favorite teams?

I don't watch any sports, not with any degree of regularity anyway. When I do, I root for Atlanta teams, because I live here and I'm not a punk.

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So far, what's the best album you've heard this year?

D'Angelo, "Black Messiah." Even though it came out at the very end of LAST year.

Does your twitter give off positive vibes?

Some days yes, some days no. It's a space for me to dump thoughts and observations,.

I'm scared to watch the block tonight, Intruder 2 has been good suspense it's entire run, but this final one seems like a lot more is riding on it. Nice work on the whole event though, I know money is an issue for you guys, but it feels like you did a ton with this TIE

Thanks, I'm glad you dug it!

What do you make of the attempted rape scene in Wings of Honneamise? Kind of ruined the movie for me personally; came out of nowhere, contributed nothing, and the follow-up scene where the girl apologized for defending herself was just gross.

Yep, I agree with you on all that. It's definitely a product of it's time, a time in Japanese society when it was way more patriarchal and weird about women and sex than it is now. It doesn't "ruin" the movie for me, but I can see why it might for someone else. I take it more as a capsule of the time in which it was created, like any old movie where people do something that is offensive to modern sensibilities, you know?
Liked by: corey barnes

You like this Ghost band? I'm just getting into them today. Can't stop listening.

I like their first album, definitely think there have been diminishing returns since then. Sounding more and more like Blue Oyster Cult, and so I've been getting more and more bored. Cool live show though.

Where's a good place to start in Young Thug's discography?

I would say you could easily start with "Slime Season" 1&2, or 1017 Thug, which is still classic.

Alien:covanent is supposed to contain the deacons adult form and the entire lifecycle of a new xenomorph. Does that affect your expectations at all?

None of those things are any guarantee the movie will be good at all.

have you ever seen MBV live and gone through that feedback/noise thing they do during "You Made Me Realise"

Yep. Saw them in Barcelona two years ago, also saw them in Atlanta in 1991 on the "Loveless" tour. Dinosaur Jr. opened. One of the top five shows of all time for me. At one point they cut all the lights off except for these huge red strobes, and between them and the smoke they filled the room with, you couldn't see anything. That, combined with the wall of feedback, messed with my inner ear and I had trouble keeping my balance. It was incredible.

I heard you did some new commentaries for IGPX, which episodes did you pick and why?

Lord I don't remember, I had to do them fast and I just tried to pick some that I liked but hadn't talked about previously. I hope they turn out entertaining for the listener!

When you get home from work, what is the first thing you do?

Say hi to my wife and kid. Pet my doggies and kitties. Help out with or cook dinner. If it was a hard day, have a drink. Those are pretty regular!

Hey I'm really excited about getting a xbox one for christmas? How do I stop being too excited?

I dunno but I hope you are enjoying it!

Was Moltar the first choice to host Toonami originally? I'm guessing Space Ghost, Brak or Zorak didn't fit the bill?

Jim Cole
Moltar had no face, so easiest to animate! He also operated a control console already. Made sense!
Liked by: Sketch Wyatt Beaty

I'm about to graduate college w/ a degree in advertising and a degree in English. I tell people I want a job as a copywriter, but I really want to be involved in television (preferably writing, esp cartoons). I'm v confident in my ability, but have no idea where to start. Any advice at all?

Well, you should know that pretty much every person in television at any stage wants a show. The only way to get there, in my experience, is to get a job in TV, write spec scripts, send them everywhere- like, write a Simpsons script and send it to the Simpsons, etc- do this over and over and if you're any good, there is a small chance someone will call you back. You can also develop relationships, and pull together a pitch with a friend, and send THAT out. Or even, if you know anyone, get a meeting. Meeting people is half the battle in TV. Talent plays a huge part, but WORK ETHIC plays an even bigger one. Never, ever give up, keep grinding, get better, and you have the best chance of making your dream happen. Good luck!

Is it still possible to get signed to Williams Street Records? Like, whats up with that?

We no longer put out records. We do occasionally release free music, but we don't "sign" artists. We didn't have the resources to sell records the way they need to be sold.

what do you think about dj khaled and his keys to success

I think he's fine but ppl gas him way too much. I hate the tone of most posts about him that are essentially like "Look at this asshole!" Either genuinely find him inspiring, or fuck off. I despise the thing people do nowadays with him/Jaden/others where they are making fun of someone but kinda also inspired by them but too scared to just be about one or the other. I dunno, that's what I think anyway.

I just received a PS4 Star Wars Battlefront bundle for Christmas. What are some other PS4 games you think I should consider fucking with? It's the only current-gen console I own, I also have a (backwards compatible!) PS3.

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
Consider: Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Metal Gear V, all came out this year and all are great and HUGE games. Good luck!


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