
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why was Star Wars so successful in your opinion?

It's a wonderful, deep world that's easy to get sucked into, a pleasing mix of classic fantasy and sci-fi, and a universal retelling of the heroes journey, a story as old as time itself. It's got guns, ships, swordplay, love, magic, rogues, knights, and the greatest villain of all time.
Liked by: Gordon

I'm really starting to get terrified people might actually elect Donald Trump. Do you think if he tries to kick out 12 million people (4 million more than the population of NYC) we will have a Civil War?

I don't think that will happen. I HOPE that wouldn't happen. And hope is what I have to give.

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Has your taste in games changed as you've grown up over the years?

Not too much, I don't play sports or fighting games any more. That's about it.

You have thousands of answers. How did this whole ask fm thing get so big that you got verified?

I think I got verified just because I got verified on twitter.

what can I do about religious differences taking a toll on a friendship I have. My muslim friend wrote on FB about people in the middle east dying and using that almost as justification for the paris attacks. told him I didn't agree. being catholic things have gotten tense. any advice?

My advice is always to try to put yourself in the shoes of the other person and think about how it must feel to be THEM. Ask yourself- are you really doing that? Are you trying to understand their pain? And in turn, are you asking that they do the same for you? I feel ideological differences are a very stupid thing to let come between friendship. If you both really care about one another, put that shit aside. Good luck.

How do you stop worrying so much? I don't sleep because I worry about the next day at work (job is always unpredictable with people calling off, making my day harder!)My head goes a million miles an hour about a lot of other things, especially unknowns. My wifes ready to leave me over it.

You have to find a way to deal with your anxiety. I suggest therapy and/or talking with friends or family to find out what the root of the anxiety is, and then a combo of therapy, meds or possibly activities you know calm you and ease the anxiety. You shouldn't just suffer- you have to take steps to try to help yourself! Good luck.
Liked by: Blanchard

Will you do this year a list of best of the year? For now, how it is going?

I will, not for a couple more weeks though.

not sure if this has been answered before, but where does the name Clarknova come from?

It's the name of the typewriter in William S. Burroughs' book, "Naked Lunch."
Liked by: Gordon Inception

how the heck do i get into gundam shows, man. there's so many.

Start with either the original Mobile Suit Gundam, OR something fun like 0083 or even Gundam Wing. Get a feel for the world. Then you can do some research and dig deeper into the stuff that looks like it might be up your alley. Good luck!

Favorite Twilight Zone episode(s)? The Masks, The Invaders, Five Characters in Search of An Exit come to mind for me.

ALL of those, plus It's a Good Life, Time Enough at Last, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, Eye of the Beholder, Walking Distance, and many many more. Best show ever!
Liked by: Gordon John

Ive dealt with anxiety & depression for years. Was prescribed klonopin & quit cuz of addiction to it & xanax. 18 months sober now. just recently got a new script to Klonopin cuz my parents moved away & i have no family in the state which caused increased anxiety. is it bad i went back to it?

I mean it's certainly risky. Does the doctor who prescribed it know about your history with it? If not, you probably should consider therapy instead. If you're working with a doc who knows your history and you both feel like it might be worth a shot, that's another story. But it seems like you have some reservations here, and I'd say because of that- you should think about another method! There are ways to relieve anxiety besides meds, I know for a fact because I suffer from it too! Good luck!
Liked by: Blanchard

What was the point of your half assed comment towards my question?

Well anon, since I don't know what question you're referring to, I can't answer this. But generally- its my Ask, I answer questions how I want. If they seem half-assed to you, that's not MY problem.

Have any favorite Vinyl records out this year?

I've only bought a few records this year- Future, the Hannibal soundtrack, Jamie XX, a few others.

Was taking a Video/Media Arts major in college not only what you wanted to do but knew that you'd be able to make a full living off of it? I'm pursuing a major in Creative Writing but considering taking training in web design so that I have a good job while beginning my writing career on the side.

It was both, yeah.
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

Is it futile to fight against your own nature? Since I was a kid, this has always been the most personal scar I fight with everyday, and I don't know if it can just be 'worked on' or it ever gets better...

Christian Villagomez
It's never futile to work on yourself. Never.
Liked by: Blanchard

i have a crush on this girl but i just can't talk to her. i have really bad social skills and can never get the courage to make conversation with her. what do i do?

Maybe see if you can let a friend of hers know you're interested? Otherwise, I'm sorry but if you can't make yourself talk to the person you're into, you're never going to make it happen! Think about what you might want to say, put yourself in a place to chat with this person, and give it a whirl! What's the worst that can happen? Good luck.

I've found your stance on music quite riveting. Mr. Jason DeMarco Da Gawd, who's your top 10 favorite rappers? (Also, partly the reason I asked this is because of Billboards trashy list) This is the list btw: http://www.billboard.com/photos/6723017/best-rappers-of-all-time/9

Very, very hard to pick just ten, but here are ten I really love (excepting Killer Mike and El-P, two of the best doing it but two good buddies, so they're always top of the list for personal reasons):
MY top ten favorite rappers:
Notorious B.I.G.
Ghostface Killa
Gucci Mane
Kanye West
Andre 3000
Tupac Shakur
Ice Cube

Any movies or shows worth buying on blu ray coming out?

I just bought Mobile Suit Gundam vols 1&2 on Blu-Ray. There have been a whole bunch of great Criterion releases, and of course, you should absolutely buy Fargo and Mad Max on Blu!


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