
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy music too easily, because I enjoy an awful lot of arguably terrible music sometimes, across many many different genres. Your thoughts?

Nah, like what you like and don't worry about it! Just don't expect everyone else to feel the same!

How do you feel about the fact that Gravity Falls is ending?

I'm glad it's ending the way it's creator intended it to. Awesome that it's happening that way, in fact.

Saw the Chicago footage of police shooting an unarmed civilian 16 times, and I'm done man. I'm legitimately scared of the police, I freeze up anytime I see an officer. You think it'll ever change? What should I/we do? It's scary shit dude.

I really don't know. I think about it all the time. We have to demand more accountability from our police force and from elected officials whose job it is to hold them accountable for mistakes. That, and it would be nice if police were paid more, and there was a higher bar for entry to become a cop- more extensive training, for a longer period, etc. All of this would require local and state governments to spend more on infrastructure, which they don't want to do, and raise taxes, which people don't want to pay. Gonna be a long road. In the meantime, it seems like protesting is, at the least, drawing attention to this very important problem. I would say to anyone: avoid police if you can. When encountering any police alone, follow their instructions to a tee. A moment of pride is not worth your life, and it's dangerous out there. I dunno man, I don't have the answers, I'm just some asshole that works for a tv network. I just know I'm worried about it too and sick of all of the pointless death.

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[as], sorry. Which is the new bands that you guys are pushing on TV these days?

Many. You have to watch and find out. We are literally always putting new music on tv and online.

which were the last bands that [the] shown on TV? I have noticed that the music lineup was repeating the same old bands, no?

Huh? I don't understand this question the way you've worded it, sorry.

Is the song that is used when the intruder appears in episode 3 a Toonami exclusive or is it from a song available to the public?

All of the music in this Intruder micro series was created for it by Brent Busby and is all original!

Oh hell, I didn't even realize he was on AS Singles! Ha it seems like whenever you get asked about a good rapper it turns out you've already worked with 'em!

NekoBlanchard’s Profile PhotoBlanchard

I never would've thought you were much of a rap guy. What's one of your favorite rap albums?

Haha you must be a new follow eh?

Not that I'm annoyed or anything but I feel like viewers probably gained SOMETHING from having seen the first Intruder, no? :P

I never said "you shouldn't watch the first Intruder" I said "you don't HAVE to watch that to get what's going on." That's all. Like any story I think if you've seen the first installment it helps!
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

Is the singles program more "here's a single specifically for this program" or "here's a song from our next album that we decided to release here for free"?

Sometimes one, sometimes the other.

Do you think the single they wrote for the singles program was a stepping stone to the sound Deafheaven decided on for their new (-ish now) album? Kind of sounds it.

I think it was.


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