
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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"what if" someone force you, what would you watch again? hobbit movies or star was prequel?

I much prefer the Star Wars prequels.

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What's wrong with having "fun and campy" superhero films/TV shows? I personally prefer that style quite a bit to the dark/gritty stuff like Man of Steel or even the Dark Knight films. For Batman, I think the two Tim Burton films had by far the best balance.

"I personally prefer" is the phrase you used, and it's the only one that matters in this convo. YOU prefer "fun" and "campy." I don't. It's just a matter of personal preference.
Liked by: macattack

i know your not a fan of marvel's "lets have fun" tones cuz it is too over the top i believe but did you ever see Captain America:The Winter Soldier? the movie is a little more "grounded" in reality as for as themes, there is no in you face fanservice, it really feels like spy thriller

I saw it. Again, wildly over praised. A story that basically doesn't make sense, some very heavy handed posturing about "what we become when fighting an unseen enemy," and some thuddingly obvious allusions to the war on terrorism, all delivered without a real moral center or firm POV. It "felt" like a spy thriller but literally any spy thriller from the 70s had more to say and was better done. It was a decent action movie though.

What do you do when you depressed

I don't get depressed very often, but when I do, I usually try to surround myself with loved ones, or distract myself with a movie or a book.

Other then Tom 4 is there anything else you regret doing with Toonami?

A lot of little things, but nothing major. I regret that "Jake Long Vs Naruto" spot, but that wasn't my idea. Just don't think it was classy.
Liked by: Duelist John

My father was once a professional boxer, my older brother is currently a professional MMA fighter. My little brother is training for MMA too. I tried MMA but I prefer Football. I play WR at school. How do I not feel left out from family while I persue something other than MMA or boxing?

Tell your family it's not for you. If they love you they will understand. You can still support them and enjoy the sport without doing it too!

What is your opinion of George Lucas being OCD about making changes to Star Wars every time it's re-released? Should we have a right to see the theatrical versions properly restored and released on Blu-ray?

I think he was uptight about it and I'd like the OG versions, but at the same time I like some of the changes he made and they are his movies. I cannot stand the fanboy entitlement DEMANDING that he release the version of the films the way they were the day they released in theaters. At this point, people bagging on George just bores me to tears. He was never a great filmmaker in the way that Spielberg was, but he created a world so many of us shared, and he did it all independently. I love Star Wars but to me there is no "perfect" version of it, and on the question of whether the fans or the creator "owns" their art, I side with the creator.
Liked by: Duelist

Who made the "They got a duck in their pool!" spot? I can't stop saying it randomly to people now!

That was made by the very funny Marc Moceri.

random question: have you ever read The Forever War by Joe Haldeman? I watched Gunbuster recently and it reminded me quite a bit of that book

Nope I'll check it out!

As the veteran music enthusiast you are, have you ever partaken in a little bit of the rave scene back in the day?

Well sort of. Whatever version of it made it's way to TN, and places in NYC.

What's your opinion of digital noise reduction? i.e. grain removal in film and animation

I hate it, unless it's used to "clean up" a damaged print, etc. The grain is a part of the original art.
Liked by: Duelist

Nice easter eggs in that the Absolution's HUD uses previous Toonami fonts. Any particular reason you're using the first TOM 5 font instead of the current one for Intruder II, or was it just "It looked good on the bumps?"

We like to think that the EMP the Intruder used zapped what was being used and Sara had to go to an earlier setup that was easier to use. Hahaha
Liked by: Arthur Mesa Duelist

My gf wants us to get married before college. I've dated her since middle school. She wants to get married. I was on board before realizing how young marriage rarely works out. I love her. I don't want this to come between us. What do I do?

Well, you have to be honest. And listen... the fact is it is going to come between you. But you can't avoid it, and marrying someone when you don't really want to is a terrible thing to do to them, and you. So I'd say you should talk it out with her and see what you both come up with. Relationships, including marriages, are about honesty and compromise.

I'm in college right now and my current major is Film Production. Any advice on that for a beginner?

Work hard, learn as much as you can about all aspects of film production, and first and foremost, learn how to make alliances and work well with people. Vision is important but collaboration is too, and that's something I think students forget sometimes.


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