
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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would u guys take breaks in shows like dbz kai for example, when a season ends and wait till like the spring or fall to air the new episodes like u used to do to build hype back then?

Uh, no. Things are not the same as they were back then!

Do Joe Boyd Vigil and DJ Clarknova still make music?

I am DJ Clarknova. I never made music, just mixes. I don't know if Joe still makes music, but I assume he does!

I always wondered why you guys never put the Toonami logo on the bottom of the screen instead of the networks you're on (CN/Adult Swim) why is that?

We aren't a network. We're a block.

How does broadcasting commercials work? Like, not just bumpers and station idents, but /commercials/ on the whole?

Advertisers make deals with networks and buy advertising time at a rate set by a mutual agreement. Then advertisers create, or have created, a commercial to put in said time. The Networks air them. Rinse, repeat. Essentially, the commercial TV business in a nutshell.

Did Gorillaz request that they be aired on Toonami like Daft Punk did, or did an employee ask for them?

I just thought it would be cool to show their videos so we reached out.
Liked by: Sketch

What type of characteristics about a person immediately makes you not like them?

Stupidity or sneakiness. Also arrogance.

I'm only 19 but I'm dating a girl with a kid and she posted a pic on Instagram of her tolder on my shoulders after we were walking home after she got him from daycare, he wanted to ride on my shoulders. Her ex saw the pic and is mad saying that I'm wrong for spending time with his kid. Advice?

Well it's always complicated when you date someone with a child from another relationship. There's nothing wrong with having her child ride on your shoulders. At the same time you have to be careful that you don't "replace" the young man's Dad, you know? Really it's up to your girlfriend and her ex to work these issues out, not you. Questions to ask: why is her ex seeing this picture? Why did she take a picture and post it? It's one thing for you to just be nice, it's another for her to broadcast it somewhere she knows her ex will see it. And what is with the ex? Why is he getting mad over pictures? Seems like they have unresolved, complicated issues, and as a young person, I'd caution you to be careful. You might be in over your head. Good luck.

Does your job require you to know Japanese?

No but I have been to Japan several times and will go again, so I know certain key phrases.

Hello Mr. DeMarco, How are you? I hope all is well. I am a big fan of yours, and very grateful for what Toonami/AS has/have done for American culture over the last 20 years. Thank you for all your hard work and consistent, candid fan interaction. I apologize for contacting you via ask.fm

Jeremiah Bailey
Thanks for watching!

I let my irritability finally get the best of me at work in a fast food joint. I knew I was gonna be quitting for a while, I didn't mean to do it, but I ended my employment there pulling a total dick move. I'm young, I got a new job lined up, but that shit's gonna haunt me for months. Your thoughts?

Well it's never good to be a dick, but we're all only human and the dehumanizing aspects of working at a fast food joint can put a strain on anyone. I'd do two things: cut yourself some slack, and resolve not to show your ass like that again at a job. It can be a bad habit to get into.

Hey there Jason. I wanted to ask. I want the IGPX season 1 and 2 DVD's because I know them two have the Toonami versions of the episodes. Do you know where I can find a cheaper DVD online? Because on Amazon they are so expensive. Season 2 is like $400 dollars or something

loganfryer178’s Profile PhotoLogan Fryer
Actually, DIscotek is re-releasing remastered versions of the whole series in the next few months at a reasonable price! I'd just wait. ;)

How concerned are you with the current state of the USA economy?

I try not to worry too much about things I can't control, but I'm always a bit worried about it.

I'm a bit curious what specifically makes the first Metal Gear Solid the best of the series in your opinion.

It was a leap forward in 3D gameplay at the time. It was one of the first successful "cinematic" games, the first major "stealth" game, and it was weird without being up it's own ass, which is where the game's mythology is now. It also introduced several characters that are STILL being used in the series now. I prize innovation, and MGS was a major leap forward for that series and games in general.


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