
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What’s a Crud? The new orange TOMs? Is that just what Moltar named TOM? But Booger also called him TOM?!?!

“Krug” is how Booger’s alien race refers to most TOM units. It’s a derogatory term.
Liked by: Andrewk Wyatt Beaty

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Toonami had a comic years ago called the Swarm that explained TOM’s origins does the Forge retcon the events of this comic? Since the alien guys in the T.I.E. are established to be building the TOM’s.

Endeavor Tabarsi
The Swarm should be considered non-canonical.
Liked by: Andrewk

I know you've probably been asked this several times before in the past, so apologies up front, but what are some of the films you'd call the best films of the last decade as well as your favorite actors of the last decade?

Attached is a list of my favorite movies since 2000.
My favorite actors are Meryl Streep, Joaquin Phoenix, Daniel Day-Lewis, Saorsie Ronan, Kate Winslet, Viola Davis, Brendan Gleason, Daniel Kaluuya, Lupita Nyong’o, Ryan Gosling, Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett.

Is The Forge the last TIE event?

I don’t think it’s THE LAST, but it’s the last for a while for sure. They are expensive, very time consuming and we can’t often get them executed at the level we really want them to. We always have fun working on them but we need to space them out a bit more, and we’re thinking about ways to change them up radically. Hope you guys like The Forge at least!

Is Kōichi Mashimo's work slept on here in the west?

He’s absolutely ahead of his time, from the concept behind Bee Train as a studio to the .hack series, which predates Isekai as a genre. I don’t think he’s as well known as he should be.

What are your thoughts on the old anime block that TechTv ran called Anime Unleashed? Were they a formidable rival for Adult Swim back then and do you miss the days of having another tv network that played anime as competition?

They were not even close to a rival. Tbh except for a brief period where other networks put significant money into acquisitions and marketing of anime- Jetix, FoxKids etc- we haven’t had a real rival.
And even back then, they never worked as hard at marketing and respecting the shows themselves, and the audience like we did.
That just facts.
However, I really do wish some other network/networks would take a chance on a sustained anime push, because the more the merrier as far as I’m concerned. I also want to see anime continue to thrive in the US and be everywhere people watch things. It’s shocking to me that we seem to be the only ones doing this on TV.

I remember a few months back in Twitter you said something about how at one point in the mid-90s Julia Roberts hit on you. Would you be cool further elaborating on that story like the background of how you met her, what you were doing at the time and the general context of the situation as a whole?

I was bartending at a restaurant in Savannah GA. I was probably, like, 22 years old. The movie “Something to Talk About” was shooting in town, and the restaurant where I worked was a place where several of the cast came to eat frequently.
One night, Julia Roberts came into the restaurant by herself, and sat down at my bar and ordered a bottle of wine. She drank the whole thing over about two hours, chatting with me the entire time. She was delightful and pretty much seemed like she just wanted some chill out time.
She was the only person sitting at my bar because everyone else in the restaurant were staring at her and too petrified to bother her.
Eventually, she paid the bill (and gave me a great tip, in case you’re wondering) and asked how far of a walk her hotel was. I told her maybe she should call a cab, because it was like 11:30pm at that point and walking home alone might be sketchy (again, she had no bodyguard or anything with her).
She looked me in the eye, and said “why don’t YOU just walk me to my hotel?” And smiled.
I froze.
And I mumbled some reason I had to stay to close up, and she shrugged and said “in that case, I guess I’d better get that cab.” So I called her a cab and she left.
And she never came in again, and I never saw her again.
And now you know how I blew it!!

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do you think you’d ever make a monthly spotify playlist? a mix of what you’re currently listening to.

What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

Well, dogs are actually omnivores, not carnivores. They can definitely eat veggies! I think it’s probably fine to have your dog be vegan AS LONG AS they are getting the proper amount of proteins and vitamins needed to sustain their health.
It certainly shouldn’t be done willy-nilly but if it’s done carefully and the dog is monitored to make sure the diet agrees with it, I don’t see any issues.
My own dogs eat meat (among other things), but then again, so do I.

Oddly Specific Question: What argument would you make to someone around your age who used to enjoy anime back in the day but now can't stand the newer aesthetics and abundance of High School drama as well? Other complaints being fan service of said High School setting.

Interesting question! First, I will say that there has ALWAYS been an abundance of teen drama in anime. It’s just very fertile ground for storytelling, and don’t forget- most anime is still made with a young audience in mind.
I also know what you mean about aesthetics- the move to full digital, the shuttering of many studios, and the aging out of many accomplished masters in the industry has largely changed the (sort of) preexisting apprenticeship model of the anime industry. As a result, a lot of knowledge is not being passed down, and I worry we are losing some of the basic skillsets for animation that were taken for granted even 15 years ago.
HOWEVER- as always with anime, there are a plethora of amazing shows and creators working out there that break the typical mold- and look gorgeous, to boot! To that end, I would suggest:
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Attack on Titan
Ping Pong: The Animation
Mitchiko and Hatchin
Violet Evergarden
And the last few Lupin series are great (and look great too).
There are many many more out there than this, just do some digging and you’ll find them. Good luck!

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what's made adult swim interested in lofi again? as we all know you guys were instrumental (haha punny) in the original growth of the sound to a wider audience, now that its more mainstream do you see yourselves being more involved like in the past?

We will just keep doing what we’ve always done- work with great musicians and hope we can put more folks into their music.
As for the lofi thing, since we inspired the phenomenon, we thought it would be cool to do a little parody/homage to it. That’s all!

Have you ever played Chrono Trigger? If so, do you believe it'd make a great anime?

Yes I have and yes I do!! Chrono Chross as well.
Liked by: Duelist

Greetings Jason! I am curious if it is possible to use the free AS Singles as music for YouTube videos without risk of copyright take-down/strikes? I seek permission first but I understand it still may be a possibility. Please and thank you at your earliest convenience and have an awesome day :)

Why Trash Earth
Hm I don’t think so, sorry. We don’t own any of those songs, they each belong to their artist or label, or publisher, who work with YouTube to take down usages they deem illegal.

Nadia: Secret of Blue Water would have been an amazing show to air on Toonami during the CN era, was it ever considered?

It was. I tried very hard to get it but I believe ADV had the rights and for whatever reason we were not able to license the show from them...one of the ones that got away!


Language: English