
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Thoughts on the new Fant4stic Four movie and all of its dirty laundry? I just think it's a mess, all of it, a big beautiful mess.

I have zero interest in the film, but I can tell that Fox rushed it out to keep the rights to the franchise, Josh Trank rumors notwithstanding. Ppl dinging it for not being "fun" enough though, are just expecting another cookie cutter Marvel movie.

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what do you think of The Twilight Zone?

One of my top five shows of all time. Own the whole original run on Blu, watch it still fairly often.

Last year was my first year in HS and my sister who is a junior now has a reputation for being "easy". I'm pretty cool with everyone but kids still say mean things and sometimes friends make playful jokes about it. It upsets me. Any advice on how to get through this school year?

If your "friends" are joking about it, and you don't want them to, tell them to cut that shit out. Be clear. If they still do it at that point, they aren't friends. Otherwise there's not much you can do besides keep your head down and live your life'. High school is hard, but you'll get through it. And don't let anyone talk shit about your sister. Good luck.
Liked by: Duelist Claire

Do you honestly write your own Ask.fm answers? If so, its Still hard to believe a VP of a Network actually cares about his fans.

How would you expect me to answer this? Who else would answer these??
Liked by: Kian John

My buddy believes there hasn't been any good female rappers since The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill came out. I disagree with this, but I can't think of any myself. Any suggestions?

Andrew Cornwell
Your busy never heard of Missy Eliott? Sasha Go Hard? Angel Haze? Azealia Banks? M.I.A.? Nicki Minaj? Etc etc etc

A more serious question: Is that set really worth buying in your opinion if I have most of the movies on blu-ray/dvd combo already? (Miyazaki)

Not unless you want the extra shorts and stuff that come with it.

Did you enjoy the Fright Night remake? I at least liked David Tennant in it.

It was pretty lame, I thought. Not terrible but not great.

Similar to my last question, do you believe that talented performers can create great content/greatly add to things they are in while still being terrible people otherwise? I feel like sometimes that could just be how it is.

I absolutely think that and I think we as a society have some to a weird point where we expect artists to align with our morals and viewpoint outside of their work, and I think that's weird and unfair. It's certainly okay to decide not to fuck with an artist because of their views in or outside of their art, but it gets complicated because sometimes and artist's art will be saying something different to us than they THINK it says! I just think the key point here is that it's all based on individual choice, and we like and enjoy art on so many levels, judging others based on what art they consume is pointless and dumb, generally. Horrible people have been making great art since the Lascaux Caves.
Liked by: John

Is it okay (from your viewpoint) if i like either David Cross' or H. Jon Ben's comedy/acting/stuff even tho i know they have had run-ins with you [as] guys and y'all don't get along? Like I love all of HJB's voice rolls and DC has done some hilarious shows..

Of course it is man. Like what you like! They are both great performers who are in funny shit, that's undeniable.
Liked by: Duelist John

Is Don DeLillo your cup of tea? If so, name it you favorite book of him, and why.

Don DeLillo is not my cup of tea, sorry.

I really like rap music and I want to create a rap mixtape to promote my company as hip hop is big over here. Do you think that it's a good marketing tool for a company to produce hip hop records? Has it worked for AS?

I dunno what your company does and where "over here" is, but my advice is this: don't do it if it doesn't make sense. I'll tell you what the thinking was at AS when we started reaching out to hip hop artists to get their music on our air: "(Artist) is dope and makes great music, we want to support that by telling people about them/paying them." That's it. We never looked at it as a marketing tool other than, like, presenting cool stuff might make us in turn cool to people, and that's a good thing for both the artists and us. That's still how we look at it, and I encourage anyone else to do the same.

Did you have any say on Toonami calling Naruto "the greatest action cartoon ever made" in promos? I sorta feel like that title was passed a bit willy-nilly from when y'all said that about DBZ. Just my opinion.

Haha are you hitting me up about consistency in frigging promo advertising, over a period of decades?? didn't write that promo but the person who did believed what they wrote, and I think that argument could be made. Your opinion is just that... opinion.
Liked by: John

What do you think of Tupac's song "Dear Mama?"

It's obviously a classic, but it's not even one of my fav Tupac songs, to be honest.

Are you a rich ass guy?

Ha no man. I'm upper middle class at this point. Doing just fine, but nowhere near rich.

What are your favorite metal albums from this year so far?

Sannhet- Revisionist
Ghost Bath- Moonlover
Tribulation- The Children of the Night
Liturgy- The Ark Work
Elder- Lore
Bell Witch- Four Phantoms
High on Fire- Luminiferous
Leviathan- Scar Sighted
Myrkur- M
Abyss- Heretical Anatomy
Lucifer- Lucifer I
Liked by: Robert Barrueco


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