
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What about titles that are only one word long? For me, they kinda come across as a cheap way to sound "edgy" and "dramatic." For instance, Arrow is a great show, but I would prefer it just be called "Green Arrow."

Equally dumb. Titles are hard, though.

This may not be your department, but do you know if Black Jesus will get a blu-ray release? All I see on Amazon is a DVD release.

Not my department, sorry! Have no idea.

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Was 1989 a good year for you? That's the year I was born.

It was most definitely NOT a good year for me, sorry. I was 17 and it absolutely sucked. Hahaha

Do you have any favorite classic American writers? (Poe, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald, etc.)

I love Poe, I like Fitzgerald, I am a big Faulkner fan, I also dig Vonnegut quite a bit, Jim Thompson, Bukowski, Carson McCullers, Shirley Jackson, John Cheever, Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, Herman Mellville, etc etc the list goes on and on.

Are P3+ DVR ratings just as important as live viewership ratings?

Not AS important but they are counted.

My gf's car got broken n2 last night :/ Weird part, instead of taking textbooks, an Ipod, a Gamecube, or 2 new Wii U titles, they took her LoZ backpack with 2 binders filled with her Pokemon collection & her Pikachu 3DS XL. We get the feeling it might have been someone she knows being so specific...

I'd say it has to be.

What was the absolute first premiere of Dbz back in the old days on the block?(Moltar) Tree of Might , the other 2 movies or the Original series?, (I was too young)

Man I don't remember!

What are your thoughts regarding artists on LuckyMe such as Hudson Mohawke, Lunice, Rustie, S-Type, Paypal, etc.? They are all hugely inspirational to me and it always makes me happy to hear the occasional TNGHT track or Hudmo track in a bump.

I dig pretty much all of those artists to varying degrees, I wouldn't say they "inspire" and but I'm glad you like hearing their music on Adult Swim! I love exposing great electronic music, it's one of the things about my job that makes me very happy. Not enough people write or talk about electronic music, so I enjoy sharing it with people via the Tee Vee.

Have you watched episode 1 of Gundam The Origin yet? I thought it was awesome and the dub was solid.

Haven't seen it yet!

Ever since I got a bank account and could spend my money whenever, I became a huge collector of DVDs/Blu-rays. In the 3 years since, I've gotten almost 200, and get anything I have interest in. I do look for deals, and I'm not poor, but I can't imagine this is very healthy. Any tips on cutting back?

I think you can save a loooot of money by just signing up for a couple streaming services, and watching the other stuff via iTunes rentals etc. physical media is all going away anyway, so l you REALLY need to keep are stuff that's rare, super cool or relevant to you, or isn't available online. But that's gonna be like 10% of your collection, the rest will all be available to stream or watch digitally. Bet you'll save a ton. Good luck!

what are you steps/guidelines for people coming from poverty who want to be successful?

Man, it's so dependent on your personal situation this is hard to say. Some decent guidelines, I think:
1. Be ready to work harder than everyone else.
2. Find a thing you want to be good at, and do whatever you can to do that thing as much as possible. Eventually, it will become a marketable skill.
3. Use credit cards as little as possible, but have one or two. Good credit is more important than equity in 2015.
4. Don't buy large scale purchases. Lease a car, rent an apartment. Save money wherever possible.
5. Don't be afraid to use connections. If you know someone who can put you on, don't be obnoxious, but don't be afraid to ask to get a foot in the door. And if you DO get that foot in the door? Impress the hell out of them.
6. Never loan or give money to anyone who isn't a family member in need.
7. Don't stick with a job you know isn't going anywhere unless you have no choice. If you ARE stuck in this type of job, use your free time to look for something better, every chance you get.
8. Keep your head up, there will be setbacks and the system is set against you, but you CAN make it. It IS possible. Good luck.

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Liked by: Kyle Geoffrey Oliver

What Anime/Mange character do you feel most relates to you?

I relate to Char Aznable. And I am not joking even the slightest bit when I say that.
Liked by: Ronnie Lee

Will there be an episode of Pre-flight the week of the 14th, the Tuesday after SDCC?

Nope we'll be broadcasting the Comic-Con episode all that week.

So I'm watching Nicktoons and they're advertising for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles marathon and they said at the end "The revolution will be shellivised" (AKA a pun on televised)

Ha just a decent pun, no bigs.

What did you think of Toonzai? Was it the worst Toonami rip-off?

Man, it's certainly high on the list. There have been so many, though.

Correct me if i'm wrong but THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT has to be the longest TOONAMI game review you guys have ever done in the history of the block! MASS EFFECT 3 right behind it.

It might be!


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