
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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A couple months ago I asked you for advice about what to do with my major, and it helped me in my decision to switch from Communications to Film Specialization. I think I made the right choice, and I look forward to finally getting my life on track!

Nice, that's great! Good luck!

I actually asked a while ago if you or any of the Toonami crew would do interviews or extras for the IGPX rerelease (which of course you answered no at the time), so I'm pleasantly surprised to see that actually happen. It's pretty awesome :)

Glad you're happy!

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Have your own Green Lantern ring or a multi-billion dollar suite of armor?

Green Lantern ring obviously! You can do anything with that!

Do you actually hate the show Totally Spies? It was a guilty pleasure for me when I was younger. Obviously it's not Toonami material (at least, now).

Don't hate it, just never liked it.

Where can I find that TCM TOM T-shirt from?

It was just a promo made for internal use only, it's not for sale. Sorry.

There was a picture of several different Toonami shirts posted on the Tumblr page earlier today. Any chance of some of them being for sale at some in the future? I'd love to own some of the ones that look like they're from older eras of Toonami!

Brad Smith
Those are old shirts Gill had, most of them were produced only for internal purposes and will not be made again, sorry!

I'm not too familiar with Michiko & Hatchin, but it'll be great to have a non-fantasy show again to add some variety to the block. Looking forward to it!


Are you guys remastering IGPX in HD, or are you just using DVD masters? I'm really excited for this btw.

Alex J
It's not in HD. We aren't remastering it, btw! Jose Argumendo is doing it for Discotek!
Liked by: Alex J

Since I imagine you guys have been getting crap over the edit to KLK last night, I'd like to say thanks for how you guys did it. That scene was disgusting in it's original form, but the way you guys edited kept the plot point but removed the needless imagery, plus we got the full new intro. Win-win.

Liked by: Claire

Will the Momocon panel be replacing the Preflight episode for the rest of the week or will they maybe alternate? I usually watch Preflight during the hour before Toonami, but I also can't watch the live panel stream because I'll be at work.

Yep it will run all week and replace Pre-Flight for the week.
Liked by: Gordon

Why does Toonami have those special borders for shows animated in 4:3? Why not just have black bars?

Because we think it's cooler and more interesting to use that space. Anyone could do black bars.

Hey I just graduated high school n that got me all nostalgic so I wanted to say thanks for all the Toonami past and present! Also thanks for helping me develop a taste in music haha I love hearing ur opinions on stuff. Keep on keeping on man

Thanks for the very kind words. Good luck to you in your post high school life!

Will you be checking your Ask.fm while at Momocon, because I wanted to come to Momocon this year, but was unable to, and I really wanted to meet you. I have to watch the live stream. :/

CJ Joseph Addison Cassel
I will!

I just want to thank you for answering my questions and being such a nice person. It means a lot to me, and I'm not being ironic/sarcastic in any way, I really mean it.

Thanks for the kind words!

Is Aqua Teen really ending? I thought that was a joke title.

Yup it's really really ending, promise.

Using music from Daft Punk would work on a fan promo? (From the Tron Legacy soundtrack)

Nope sorry.

What's your opinion on anime comedy? Is it about as stale as mainstream comedy movies?

Yes, to me. Also I think comedy is very hard to translate across cultural lines so the jokes don't land the same for American audiences, sometimes.

Upcoming albums you're anticipating this year?

Too many to list. SO MUCH stuff I'm looking forward to this year!


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