
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Is it bad that I don't like Anita Sarkeesians opinions but i'm still not sexist and support feminism, and don't support her being harassed? People on tumblr pretty much bullied me off that site because I said I just don't enjoy watching her videos.. (Cont)

Answer in part two.

I'm getting ready to be done with relationships. I'm 15 and been rejected 16 times. My friends keeping making fun of me for not having a girlfriend. Any advice?

Fuck your friends. Anyone who's making fun of you and pressuring you to get a GF is just a dickhead. I'd say if you've been "rejected" that many times, you probably aren't taking the time to get to know these ladies before hitting them up about dating. Next time, take a breath, see if there's a real connection with a lady you find attractive, and IF and WHEN you get a good vibe, ask her if she feels the same way. And regardless, take it slower than you have been. You're far too young to swear off relationships already! Stop letting your friends pressure you into getting worked up over something that should come naturally. Good luck.

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(Continued) I am a good guy who does his job and treats everyone with equal respect and it bugs the crap out of me that she refuses to respect me the way I respect her. sometimes I wanna tell her off yet I know it's unprofessional to do that. what should I do?

Nothing you can do really. In the workplace, we all have to work with people we don't get along with. You just have to try to stay out of each other's way, and if you think things are getting out of hand, talk with your manager. Good luck.

Do you know of any schools that you'd recommend for Media Communication degree?

A degree that broad, I'd say any decent school you can afford is fine for.

There's alot of controversy surrounding Sansa's dark scene at the end of the latest episode, what's your take on it? Did you see it coming or was it shock value to you ?

I understand why people are upset. I think sexual assault is something that should only be used sparingly in TV shows, and if it is used it should be a major event that shapes a character for a long time to come. In other words, there needs to be a good reason. It remains to be seen if there will be a a good reason for that to happen to Sansa. I think the Showrunners' mistake last year with the utterly pointless Jaime/Cersei rape scene has dented people's faith that they know how to use something that vile well, narratively. We'll see.
Liked by: Gordon

I know you've said before that one doesn't need to attend a big university to get a decent education. But do you think that attending one gives you a better chance of finding a job? My father assures me this is true, but I feel there's way more to it than that. Thoughts?

Your father is pretty much right, although it's certainly no assurance you will get the job. For that to really work beyond "oh this person went to college" though, it would need to be a school with a big name, like Stanford etc.
Liked by: Andrew Wentz

what's your favourite flying lotus album?

I guess if someone put a gun to my head I'd say Los Angeles.

How do you feel about this image? https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11017784_10153254252440822_824520499527235734_n.jpg?oh=d641c1e5ab78f24b54754c55a0564c4b&oe=55C1AA5D

I mean I get it but vinyl sounds better than mp3s, period. There is no better way to listen to music than a record being played on a great stereo. I only have about 150 records, I maybe buy 10 albums a year on vinyl and everything else digital. But if people wanna buy records, great. At least they're spending money.

Why is Tuna making stupid comments airings shows like bishounen

I don't know who this guy is or why ya'll expect me to have opinions on things he says about Toonami, but please stop asking me about him because I have no idea. Sorry.

I wanted to say thank you for featuring my work on Pre-Flight, even though it was my dingus Frontline promo of all things, haha. My apologies for the terrible, but you guys seemed pretty amused so...mission accomplished I guess.

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
Thanks for making it!
Liked by: Duelist

Have you seen Ex Machina yet? if so is it pretty solid in story/plot?

Yes I thought it was very good. Excellent exploration of artificial intelligence, sexuality and patriarchy. See it.

Midtown Arts Cinema in Atlanta is showing every Studio Ghibli film throughout the summer on Saturdays and Sundays. Are you going to go to any of them? Which films do you recommend the most?

Yep went to Nausicaa, will likely see several more. I'd definitely see as many as possible, for me Princess Mononoke, The Wind arises, and Kiki's Delivery Service are unmissable!
Liked by: Duelist

Can I get your autograph when at momocon?

Of course. We'll be signing autographs for a while after the panel!


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