
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Hey Jason, where did the IGPX jackets come from that a few of the voice actors wore during some of the DVD interviews? I've seen a few regular people have them too. Do you think there's any chance of finding one today? I've always been curious about this.

Those were racing jackets made for the launch of the show, mostly for crew and CN employees only. You might find one on eBay now and again, but they'e pretty rare!

What have been your favorite movies that came out this year so far? The more the better!

So far this year? EX MACHINA, FAULTS, FURIOUS 7, that's about it. Will be seeing IT FOLLOWS and MAD MAX: FURY ROAD this weekend, so maybe those as well!

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I started at QB my Fresh year at my school in texas. It didn't go well I struggled all season but the coaches see promise. the last home game I threw a pick 6 to end out playoffs hopes. The crowed erupted in boo's and qb coach yelled at me in front of everyone. How can I get my confidence back?

Well, that's tough man. I'm sorry. the only thing you can really do is just practice like hell, try to understand the impulses that lead you to that back pick, and then let yourself move on from it and concentrate on next year. Everyone makes mistakes, and the best we can usually do is acknowledge them, do our best not to repeat them, and move forward one step at a time. Good luck.

Nas or Rakim? (no favorites)

Rakim, and of course I'm playing favorites. There's no such thing as "objective" when it comes to music.

which upcoming new adult swim (not toonami) show should I check out?

Rick & Morty Season 2, Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell Season 2, for sure!

Why do you think rappers have to mention their own names in tracks? No other musical genre does this with any sort of frequency (or ever).

Well, every musical genre is different. In fact, country music (particularly early country) does in fact have this tradition. I don't really have the time or patience to explain to you the basics of why rap is the way it is, though. There are many enlightening books and documentaries and doc series that could help school you, if you really have interest. And if you don't, just move on!

Not counting for quality what do you think is the best band/group/act name ever? Same question goes for albums.

Ha good question. I don't really care about band names too much though, so I'd probably list my favorite artists and that's just kinda lame. So I'll abstain, sorry.

What are your thoughts on a 20 year old dating a 17 year old? And does her turning 18 in four months and him not being motivated by sex mean anything here?

It's a slippery slope. There's a LOT of mental and emotional development packed into those years. I think generally, it's better to date someone as close to your own age as possible.

You should have gave that guy with the anger issues the toonami anger speech .

I think his issues are a bit different.

why do you always talk about racism

I got asked about it. And it's one of the defining issues of our time, so I think it's only normal to talk and think about it, really.

If you see a movie in theaters, do you have any personal "traditions" i.e. opening night is a must, gotta arrive early, gotta try to sit in a certain place etc etc. And what do you typically purchase from the concessions if anything. Do you sneak anything in? etc (new interesting question, I hope)

Nah I have no traditions. I like to try to get there before the previews start, of course, and get a seat in the middle of the theater if possible. As far as concessions, I usually just get popcorn and water. Never, ever bother sneaking anything in.

What was the biggest challenge Toonami faced the first year it came back?

Not having enough money to do everything we wanted to do.

Have you every played D&D with George Krstic?

No, I don't know George socially, and we live in different cites! Wish I could, though.

A solid lineup of announcements and pilots, an amazing Upfront party that I enjoyed watching through FishCenter Live, a new infomercial-esque Big Data music video premiere, a Rick and Morty couch gag on The Simpsons... whoa. It's been an amazing week for Adult Swim. Keep it up, Jason!

Will do, thanks!
Liked by: Gordon

i think people/critics totally missed the boat on my chemical romance, esp. on Three Cheers and Black Parade. what's your thought

I really don't like them, sorry. But I know plenty of people and critics who dug those records! Fear not, you're in fine company.

I feel like we are starting to see the end of Konami

Maybe, but I can't see why anyone should be too worked up over it.

I may sweat excessively if I meet you face to face at momocon.

Cool just don't sweat ON me and we're good.


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