
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Ever been depressed?

Sometimes, I'm not depressive as a rule but I've had some hard time like anyone else. I'm luckily free of depression most of the time, less so anxiety.

Any advice, People seem to think that I'm homosexual. I guess I give off a gay vibe or maybe cause I dress nice idk. I've had girls and some guys tell me they taught I was gay, This bothers me cause I'm not gay. Any advice?

My advice is fuck other people, do you and be however you feel comfortable being and let ppl take that for what they will. It's not something you can really control anyway. Just be yourself and eventually you'll meet ppl who accept that. Good luck!

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Do you recommend any beers/cocktails/alcoholic beverages?

I usually drink Rye Old-Fashioneds these days, or a nice scotch, usually neat if it's a good one, or on the rocks if it's not as smooth.

Do you read manga!? if you do what's your favorite title!?

KevinJKindel’s Profile PhotoThe KJK!
Not a ton, tbh. Just don't have enough time! I love Tezuka, particularly the Phoenix saga. I also have the complete Lone Wolf & Cub and the complete Dragon Ball and DBZ mangas. Akira, of course. Scott Pilgrim. Some others.

Even though most of us are "anon's", don't you still see who sent the message? (I dont get questions since i just started my account)

No. You only see who sent the message if they have a registered ask.

You ever import any foreign Blu-rays, especially ones from Japan or Korea since they share the same region code as we do?

Yep, if they aren't available in the US.

Do you think it would be okay if people sent in Toonami artwork to you guys at William Street?


Do excessive use of ellipsis make someone look more smug and condescending?

I don't... know...

Any new albums this year that you would recommend?

I have really enjoyed D'Angelo's "Black Messiah," Earl Sweatshirt's "I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside," Drake's "If You're Reading This It's Too Late," Dawn Richard's "Blackheart," Death Grips' "Jenny Death," East India Youth's "Culture of Volume," Future's "56 Nights," Ghost Bath's "Moonlover," Jlin's "Dark Energy," Lightning Bolt's "Fantasy Empire," Metz's "II," Nicki Minaj's "Pinkprint," Sannhet's "Revisionist," Sicko Mobb's "Super Saiyan Vol. 2," Squarepusher's "Damages Furies," The Soft Moon's "Deeper," Unknown Mortal Orchestra's "Multi-Love," T-Pain's "The Iron Way," Pyramids' "A Northern Meadow," Mastery's "Valis," Obnox's "Boogaloo Reed," Jungle's "Jungle," and many more.
Liked by: Alex J

I know your a thrash fan, did you check out Forseen's Helsinki Savagery? If you did howd you like it?

No, but I will, thanks!

Did you like the movie Inherent Vice? Someone told me it's really confusing, but they didn't care - just went along for the ride.

I loved it, but I'm a big PTA fan. It is a mess and doesn't make a ton of sense the first time through, but upon multiple viewings the story came together for me. Its a great movie. Massively underrated.

I'm 17, and I'm thinking of being in the television business. I'm planning to move to Atlanta (I'm from Maine) after I graduate from high school next year. What college should I go to and what classes should I take? I am planning to do a gap year.

There are good media programs at most of the major schools in the area. Not sure what part of TV you are looking to get into but broadly, you should take TV and film production courses, editing classes, lighting classes, writing classes, and marketing classes. If you want to be in the "business" side of TV, I know less about what sort of degree to pursue there. Good luck.
Liked by: Tha Rich Man

I have a question, im 21 and im past my rebellious after high school faze and im finally getting my life together on all levels. Im going back to college and i wanted to know what you majored in to get into the field of work you do. Finally, i also wanted to know if that major is relevant enough now

I majored in film/video at an art college. It's still relevant, and it's a good major in that I learned enough to be able to get several different sorts of jobs in TV or film. Good luck to you!

Do you think it's stupid that I feel like the "Previously on Mad Men" recap bits at the beginning of each episode for the broadcast versions add a lot to my enjoyment of the show? I love the dramatic tune and vibe they set up each episode with. I wish Netflix/the blu rays had them.

Nah I can totally see that!
Liked by: Alex J

a few weeks ago, I'd learned an old friend of mine had lost her battle with Cancer. I mean, I hear about people dieing all the time, but i'd never lost anyone I was good friends with. I'm only 18 and frankly, I dont entirely know what I should do. Do I grieve? Do help the family? Whats my role here?

When it comes to grief, each one of us must deal with it however we feel is appropriate. Since the person you lost was a good friend, it's entirely appropriate to ask her family if there's anything you can do to help. Other than that, you have to deal with losing her however you think you need to. Don't overthink it. You may feel a bit numb for a while, and that's okay. It's also okay to feel intense emotions. Just honor her memory however you think she would want you to, and get through each day. Your grief from losing her will never entirely go away, but it will get easier with time, and you'll learn how to live with it. I'm sorry, and good luck.
Liked by: Chance Clarke

Ehh...saturday is gonna be one tough night for ya'll...

Not sure what you are referring to, and beyond that, why you even wrote this shitty little note, anon. Do better.

What format are you buying your music on nowadays? And could you explain why.

I buy my music on mp3. If a record comes out I KNOW I want to listen to over and over again and in better fidelity, I re-buy it on vinyl. I don't use any of the major streaming services, and my main method of listening is via my computer at work, my iPod in my car, and vinyl at home.

i mean im pretty sure ugly mane is retiring, theyre making an entire boxset of tapes and vinyl for him

I'm sure he's SAYING he's retiring, and may even take some time off, but I don't believe it's real.
Liked by: Alex J


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