
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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How many books are you currently reading now?

Currently reading The Book of Job (yep from The Bible), Chandler's The Big Sleep, and Moby Dick (again).

What advice would you give an artist/creator (or anyone) who internalizes insults to their person made because someone doesn't like their work? When you receive hatemail, is it ok not to believe it? Is artist is not giving fans the benefit of the doubt when they choose to ignore personal insults?

This is a tricky area. I think when you make something and put it out into the world, you should prepare yourself to receive feedback, both good and bad. I think it's useful to hear what people don't like about your work, as much as it is to hear what they do. When someone talking about your work is extremely negative, it can be hurtful to hear. You don't have to believe what someone is saying about you, to understand it. You can completely disregard anyone who uses your work to try to say you are shitty person, or who casts aspersions on your character, or who us assuming something about you that isn't true, or who flat out insults you. With any criticism, the aggregate opinion, good or bad, can contain useful information that can inform how you approach your work. If you internalize insults, don't read reviews. That does for the good ones, too!

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Liked by: Sam Constantino

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Any advice on how to get over driver anxiety?

I'd say the only way is to get behind the wheel as often as you can. That, or therapy. Anxiety is a tough thing and it doesn't always make sense to the sufferer. Sometimes, an outside person can help you identify the root cause and deal with it effectively. Good luck.

I'm in hs and I smoke a little weed but I still have an extremely high GPA but my parents found out, my mom seems to think I sell and smoke weed and drugs. She told the school and now I have a social worker and am being sent to a jail scared straight program. Me n mom are upset at each other. advice

That sucks, but listen- depending on where you live, you can get in serious shit for getting caught with weed. For instance, I live in Georgia, and if you get busted for weed here it's no joke. Your mom has a right to be worried for you, even if she is taking it a bit far. Once you are living on your own, you can do what you want and take whatever risks you think are appropriate, but while you're under her roof- lay off. Tell her you get it, you're sorry, take your punishment and try to slowly earn back her trust. As for weed- wait till you're on your own, and hopefully in a place where it's legal.

Do you believe in Karma? Every time I do something bad, bad things happen to me.

I don't believe in it as an absolute rule, but I do like to believe in the possibility of Karma.

I hate my neighbors, they blast their ghetto music all day and I fucking hate it. I can't take it anymore, I want to move out buy I don't have the money to do it. I've complained so many times but nothing has changed. What should I do?

You kinda lost me at "ghetto music" but we'll let that one go. You say you've "Complained," have you talked to the people blasting this music? Or just your landlord? beyond that, there isn't much you can do besides buy earplugs or try to find a new living situation. Sorry, and good luck.

I have 40,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel I started but its harder dealing with fans then I thought.One or a couple disgruntled fans have gotten my info and called the swat tea to my home saying tgere a crime, its called swating and its happened twice. it makes me want to quit YouTube. Advice?

Well, I have no idea what you're saying on YouTube that is making people want to SWAT you. But I think the first question to ask yourself is "do I care enough about what I am doing/saying to continue to deal with this abuse?" If the answer is "no," shut down your channel. If the answer is "yes," take steps to protect yourself. SWAT-ing is a super shitty thing people can make happen, but you can take steps to keep it from happening. OR you can just shut down your YouTube channel, your Facebook, etc. It's annoying, but it makes it harder for people to track you and mess with you. Good luck.

Any ideas on how to get over my fear of barking dogs, big or small? Especially when behind fences while I'm walking on a sidewalk?

Hm, I'd say speak to a therapist. You might also try visiting a friend with a friendly doggie and spending some time around them. Dogs are great, and usually fear of them comes from not knowing enough about them. Knowledge is power. Good luck!

I've never had the pleasure of seeing either (outside of a voice) before Pre Flight, but if you get a chance tell Dana and Steve they're both really funny, entertaining and seem like awesome people and to keep doing their spots if they can xD

I'll let them know, thanks!

Been talking to this girl I met at a college party online, I really started to like her and she looks very mature..Turns out she doesn't go to college she's in high school and only 16 im a college freshman and 18. I feel iffy about it. Should I cut her off. Advice?

16 is too young to date someone in college, I think. I'd move on. Good luck.

Thoughts on the live action attack on titan? Hint: Live action anime adaptions are always failures.

Hint: asking someone a question and telling them how you feel they are supposed to answer is a failure, anon.
Liked by: Gordon

I've lived in Atlanta for 3+ years now, but I still feel lost when people ask me what there is to do here or what places to eat at. Any recommendations?

There are like a MILLION great places to eat. Use Google if you don't know where to start. Or shit, just drive down Buford Highway and you can get amazing Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Peruvian, Chinese, Mexican or Peruvian food! Other than that, there are many many great bars and clubs, Piedmont Park, The Georgia Aquarium, The World of Coke, Stone Mountain, etc etc etc. Again- use the internet!

I'm in middle school and I just found out that my friend smokes weed. I'm really worried about him and I don't want weed to have a negative impact on his health. His parents don't know that he smokes weed. What should I do?

Middle school is way too young for weed. I'd tell him you don't think he should be doing that, and keep an eye on him. If you see things worsening, then consider talking to his family, but I'd wait until you really felt like you had no other choice in the matter. I'd also make sure a bad home life isn't one of the reasons he's taken up smoking weed, and that you telling them wouldn't make it even worse. Beware, he may consider it a betrayal and you may lose him as a friend. You just have to decide if that outcome is something you're willing to deal with, if it helps him.
Liked by: Chance Clarke

I was watching a video just a while ago about some politician who killed himself on live TV. The video even warned me that it was graphic, but I watched it anyway. The second he started aiming the gun, I stopped the video and told myself that Im doing something wrong.Now Im shivering about it.Advice

Don't watch shit where people die on camera. It's bad for your psyche and I believe it's bad karma. To the degree death can have dignity, the public consumption of it is something I find intensely violating. You seem to understand this on a gut level. Lesson learned, right? Now you know, and you don't have to do it again. Just don't click. Good luck.
Liked by: invalidname

Do you like Ethan Hawke? Can you recommend any of his movies?

I'm indifferent to him. He's not a bad actor, nor is he a great one. Seems like a decent guy. Movies he's been in that I've liked: GATTACA, HAMLET, TRAINING DAY, BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD, THE PURGE, BOYHOOD.

My gf can be a bit bitchy and demanding and she wears the pants in the relationship, Is this necessarily a bad thing? Advice.

I mean, you writing me with the language you are using here- "bitchy," etc- is telling me maybe YOU think it's a bad thing. Everyone can be bitchy and demanding sometimes, it's not exclusive to women. Beyond that, terms like "she wears the pants" are just so 1940s. Sounds like your girlfriend has a strong personality, and that can be a good thing OR a bad thing. Just depends on how you interact with her. Your happiness is your responsibility, and if you don't like the way you are interacting together, talk to her about it and have some idea of what you'd want to change. Otherwise, you're just complaining. Good luck!

Is it alright if I date my cousin?

I mean, not really, no. It certainly happens but genetically, it's a bad idea. Beyond that, you're family and if you happen to break up, you'll still potentially have to see one another at every single family gathering. I'd avoid that situation. You'll be ostracized by some people, you won't be able to have kids without a huge risk of birth defects, and you'll probably hurt and confuse your family. I say, don't do it.
Liked by: Gordon

Wow. I'm from Russia, never watched Toonami, but I really surprised there is so much interaction with the creators of the block. Like you're putting the part of your heart in it. Great job.



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