
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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(2/2) but to cover up his disgusting bigotry, George Zimmerman claimed it was simply the hoodie. The only "lack of evidence" in that trial was that the people in the jury weren't there to see it, and a large portion of white people naturally assume the white guy was right and racism doesn't exist.

And yup.
Liked by: Claire

(1/2)All these people being racist in your feed are baffling me. To clear things up for them, Trayvon Martin was killed for no reason, unless you consider being black and wearing a hoodie a reason. A white kid wearing a hoodie wouldn't have even been questioned.

Liked by: Claire

Why do you think it is that people frequently disagree with your views on racism and related topics?

Because many people are racists and/or uninformed, and rarely are challenged on these views. Added to that, the anonymity of this platform gives them a risk-free place to express their backwards ideas.
Liked by: Claire

Related users

Pre-Flight is a ton of fun, thanks for it! Is there a way to skip back to the beginning though? Kind of awkward to watch the last third before watching the first two thirds every time.

It usually starts at the top of the hour, so I'd say if you can't tune in at the top, wait for an hour and then jump in. It's a livestream that loops, so there's no rewinding.
Liked by: Gordon

Oh, well look at the protests today. Two police officers shot in Fergueson. They're making a goooood statement, aren't they?

Learn how to spell "Ferguson" when making a point about Ferguson, dummy. Go bother someone else, quit hiding behind anonymity and wasting my time.
Liked by: Banji Caulker

I’m curious as to what you’re basing your claim on that African Americans are killed by cops on a daily basis “for no reason.” The only data I can find shows that 123 African Americans were killed by cops in 2012, which is much lower than your claim that they are literally gunned down daily.

Look at the protests JUST yesterday. I'm not here to make you feel better. Wanna keep telling yourself I'm wrong? Cool, knock yourself out.
Liked by: ♖ Papo ♖

If you’re basing your claim on the deaths of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, then your statement is false. Both of those cases were taken to trial and there was not enough evidence to conclude that they were killed for no reason.

Please. Stop it.

Regarding Pre-Flight youtube, you guys don't do it because you don't have the time to mess with automatic copyright claims, right? Since you guys run lots of clips and music?

Ding ding!

Do you like anything by the Cure?

Hell yeah. Personal favorites are Staring at the Sea (because it was my first exposure), Disintegration, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Pornography, and parts of Seventeen Seconds and The Head on the Door. Pretty much feel the fight was taken out of the band by Wish, and haven't dug anything made by them since that record.

I wrote a essay for a scholarship and won the money, but I wrote the essay about how I was persecuted for being gay, Im not gay though and I didn't expect to win. My mother thinks its wrong but my dad says take the $. I meet with the scholarship program admins Monday. Come clean, Advice?

Well, I don't know why you'd write an essay about that when you're not gay, that's pretty weird, but okay. Your Mom is right and your Dad is wrong (sorry Dad). Getting the scholarship based on a lie is something that, if you take it, will eat at you for years. This is a defining moment for you- a time for you to decide what integrity means. You did what you did, and it wasn't a good thing, but turning down the scholarship will at least mean someone else who comes from a place of more personal honestly will get the money. You can walk away knowing you were good enough to fake a life experience and convince people it was real, which means you actually have talent! Listen, it's not worth living with a lie. You'll pay for that in a greater way down the line. Turn it down, and zero out your lie, and move on. You'll have other opportunities that you can ACTUALLY be proud of soon enough. Listen to Mom in this case.

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Do you think it is OK to reconsider one's patronage to artists and guiding figures on the basis of politics? e.g. It has been years since I could in good conscience listen to Megadeth. It leaves me crestfallen each time but I never feel like I can reconcile something no longer reflecting who I am as

Part one for anyone reading.
Liked by: Claire

...as a person. Is this a result of inflexibility and immaturity or am I just outgrowing certain things through age/experience? (sorry for two-parting)

Kind of both I think. I do think it's fine to stop engaging with an artist because you disagree with their politics, but it's also a fine line. Unless an artists WORK is actively political, I can usually ignore that sort of thing. Like, Dave Mustaine is an idiot, but I still enjoy Megadeth. I think a useful way to approach art and artists is to ask oneself what you're getting out of engaging with them and act accordingly. Like, I don't go to musicians for anything more than making great music. So unless they prove to be horrible people through their actions, I can still listen to an artist with whom I fundamentally disagree on basic points. We aren't friends, I'm just consuming their art. However, if said artist does something that crosses a personal line for me (R Kelly, Chris Brown, Gary Glitter, Woody Allen etc), I have a very hard time not thinking of that when engaging with their art, so I'll tend to not engage with it. Make sense?

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Liked by: Claire

Are you a Metroid fan? If so a) favorite game b) what do you hope for the future of the franchise?

Not a huge fan. Best one is still the original, and I'm sorry to say I haven't much enjoyed it since the series went 3D.
Liked by: Gordon

After re-watching Toonami intros on youtube, I just realized The present incarnation of Toonami very closely resembles the Tom 2 era. (Small Skinny TOM, Sara just a head on TV Screen, Few to no clydes invovled) was this intentional?

Hm no but wow you're right!

I am afraid to have a conversation with anyone who likes Anime as I will undoubtedly look like I know nothing, I recently started getting into thanks to Toonami, but the people who like it are kind of intimidating. Any suggestions? thanks

Hey, welcome to the wonderful world of anime! It's an amazing place with thousands of options of animated shows, films and original video animations across all styles and genres to choose from. I'm happy you got into it through Toonami, that's one of the things Toonami is for!
One thing about modern anime fandom: it's very very insular. The rapid pace at which shows are now released and translated means that some anime fans are in a sort of arms race to be the FIRST to watch all of something, and to know more than the next guy about the shows, creators, and esoteric stylistic, formative and cultural differences between various types of anime. Combine that with the relative anonymity of the Internet, where people can be shitty, and it can be a toxic mix. HOWEVER- there are also really cool, supportive fans out there who won't take your lack of knowledge as a negative. They're just less vocal. So when interacting online with anime fans, look for a few things- does this person tweet at others with negative opinions a lot? Avoid them. Does this person seem to have very firm and aggressive opinions about things like Dubs (DUBS R BAD), certain types of anime (MAGICAL GIRL SHOWS ARE THE WORST), or certain creators/distributors (UGHHH STUPID FUNI WHY U DO DIS)? Avoid. Does this person have interactions with other fans telling them why what THEY like is better than what the other person likes? Avoid. Eventually you'll learn the signs. I say, be honest about being new to all this, be open to suggestions, and avoid those warning signs, and you'll meet some cool people. Also- go to a con! They are always about 1000x more supportive in terms of atmosphere I've found. Don't worry- eventually you'll fit right in! Good luck!

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What is the best course of action to squash a nasty rumor going on about me? Everyone seems to think its true.

Battling rumors is very tough. Usually the best course is not to engage with them at all. Make sure the people you are close to or respect know it's not true, if you like. Other than that, best to treat it like its nothing, and try not to let whomever started the rumor see you sweat, I think. Good luck.

Sometimes I feel so pressured to tweet during Toonami that I almost end up not enjoying watching the block. But I feel like If I don't tweet I'm only hurting the chances of the block sticking around....what should I do?

I don't think any entertainment, including Toonami, is worth you stressing yourself out over like that. #1 in importance to me is you WATCHING Toonami. Then you TALKING about it. That's it! If the Tweeting thing is stressing you out, just take a week off, it'll still be there waiting for you next week! I appreciate the dedication but I wouldn't want anyone's enjoyment of the show's to be sucked away by stress!

do you know anyone who went to therapy and it actually helped them turn their lives around?

Sure, me included.


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