
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Are you a wine guy or nah?

I like wine but my wife is allergic to it, so I don’t get the chance to drink it very often.

What is your thoughts on the Ye album? What is your favorite song from the album?

My thoughts are that the Ye album is a misbegotten mess than can’t even hold together for 20 minutes and 7 songs. It’s his first mediocre album imo and it’s a real shame. As with any artist I like who has a bum record, I hope he turns it around. Honestly, very few artists have had as solid a run as he has from his first record, through Pablo...

How do people who don't know you react when you tell them your job title?

Normally they don’t really give a shit. Hahaha

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I want to know about your reaction if I pull your cheeks ?

I don’t like being touched by strangers, so my advice would be not to touch me without permission... unless you want to get hurt. 😡

Has money made you happier?

I don’t have a lot of money, but I’m debt free for now and I’m able to put my kid through college, so I’m doing better than a lot of other people. I consider myself lucky to have the job I have and get paid to do something I really enjoy. Everyone should have that.

What forms of art outside of TV, movies and music do you enjoy?

Video games (yes they’re an art), and I have a minor in Art History so I’ve studied a lot of famous painters/sculptors, as well as illustrators and comic artists. I love looking at art, whether it’s “fine” art like paintings in a gallery, or “low” art like comic books or commercial illustration work.

do you have "white guilt"?

No, but I do have an awareness of my privilege as a white male, and I try to remember that though I’m proud of my accomplishments, there are plenty of other people who are just as worthy as I was that might never have gotten the same chances I did, because of systemic racism/sexism/classism. And I try to use my platform to afford opportunities for people BEYOND just white males, which the TV business already has too many of...

Can I ask who is handling the home releases of FLCL 2 & 3? Funimation has the rights to the original but I haven't seen them talking about the new seasons. I'm assuming their not involved and you guys at Adult Swim are the ones handling it.

I have no info to share about that yet.

What good romantic movie can you can suggest?

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my favorite film in that genre.

With a serious answer, What is happiness for you in the future? How would u be happy in life?

I’m pretty happy now. No complaints. I’d like to see my daughter succeed in college and in her chose career, and I’d love to have the chance to travel a bit with my wife. Other than that, I’m feeling good!

My little brother wants to watch Megas xlr really bad and I don't want him to pirate it, so I was wondering if could tell me if there is a platform he can watch it legally on

Sorry, there isn’t. You should just find it however you can and know that you aren’t hurting anyone by doing it.

Thank you for helping bringing back FLCL! Will there be any official posters and merch of FLCL to be sold sometime? I missed the cons but really want some FLCL merch.

All official FLCL merch is only sold by Production I.G, but we will have extra posters and swag we will likely sell off on “As Seen On” at some point. Or, you will be able to pick up some exclusive stuff at the upcoming Pillows tour! Either way, we will post about it on our Toonami FB page, so just keep looking there!
Liked by: Duelist Luis Murillo

You say that you still have relations with Aniplex and Sentai, but considering that Netflix and Hulu are sending them goldbars to get shows like Blue Exorcist and Ordinal Scale clearly shows that streaming is the future and that both companies are done working with you.

You trolls are getting real predictable, anon. And it’s always around when we have a show launch or something big going on that I get more of these messages, hmmm WONDER WHY.
Go stand outside, it’s nice out there. Stop wasting my time and yours being shitty for no reason on the internet. It won’t make you happy. Good luck!
Liked by: Duelist Luis Murillo
+2 answers in: “Why there is a lack of Sentai Filmworks shows and non action anime on the block?”

As someone who grew up without a father do you think the whole concept of children needing a father to be successful is overrated?

I think people who are easier by two loving parents have a better chance at growing up feeling loved and being well adjusted, but in my experience even one loving parent can make all the difference in the world. Luckily, I had my Mom.

How can you claim to care deeply about others while simultaneously endorsing those celebrating TotalBiscuits death?

I don’t know who Totalbiscuit was and if I liked any tweets related to this person’s death, it must have been because I either misunderstood the tweet or accidentally pressed like, I dunno. Whoever this person was, I’m not celebrating their death or cheering on anyone who is- at least, not intentionally. I seriously have never heard of him before 5 minutes ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Liked by: Thomas Wick


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