
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I am the guy who asked about the girl who is 5 years older than me. I only know that that she is a waitress at my local pizza place, and that she isn't married. That's really all I have to go on right now.

Well, then all you can do is take a shot in the dark and ask her for her number. Good luck!

Have you ever read Jaco the Galactic Patrolman or Sand Land from Akira Toriyama (or any other non-DB series from him), and did you like them?

No I haven't!

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Lots of asians dying recently in the news due to spending entire days (3-5 max) sitting in internet cafes and playing video games. You're a gamer, thoughts? How much gaming is too much? Where does the line get drawn?

Well, there are obviously cultural differences at play here, too. I cannot imagine playing a video game for more than, say, 12 hours, and either way I can't imagine taking pee/water/food breaks occasionally. I have certainly played games where I never WANTED to stop, Skyrim being one.

I remember when someone asked you on here if you enjoy Fall Out Boy you said you own one of their albums but today you listed them in your "Dark day for music because new albums by these artist". So do you like them or not?

I have one of their albums and I enjoy it, but the new one totally sucks. See, you can like SOME music by an artists without liking EVERYTHING they have ever released. Life isn't a binary.
Liked by: Chance

Jason, for my birthday, do you know where i can find IGPX on DVD? I wanna buy myself one of the volumes for myself on my 18th birthday! ^^

CJ Joseph Addison Cassel
Sorry, I have no idea. Amazon or Ebay would probably be your best bet.

So there is a girl that I like, and you probably get these kinds of questions a lot, but the difference is that she is 5 years older than me (I'm 18). So what should I do?

If you know her, approach her and let her know how you feel. If you don't, ask around and try to find out if she has a BF or where she hangs that you might meet her. If you meet her, and she seems to like you, ask her out for coffee. From there, be yourself and good luck!

Do those non super hero comics perhaps include Maus or Charles Burns' Black Hole?

Of course, those are classics.

As a tv executive would you agree that the quality of programming on networks has taken a nosedive in recent years?

I would absolutely not agree. There are a higher number of quality shows than ever. If you think TV has taken a nosedive, you haven't been watching what I'm watching.

If you were approached for it, would you or any of the Toonami crew do any featurettes or interviews about making and airing IGPX (e.g. retrospectives) for the boxset Discotek is releasing?

Of course we would, no one has asked though.

I was wondering does adult swim/ turner in general employ people in quantitative fields such as math and computer science? Do you happen to know what they do for the company and what the difficulty level is in getting /doing those jobs? Thanks

Not really, no. We hire outside firms that do that sort of thing. For tech needs, outside tech companies that service our needs, and qualitative/quantitative research firms that handle a lot of our research. Sorry.

I find myself feeling completely lost and hopeless despite knowing what I want to do if I am to keep on living, but a tendency towards depression and lack of discipline keeps me away from doing what I want to do. Do you have any advice on beginning to have discipline?

Hm I wish I did, but I don't have much to offer here. As far as disciplining oneself, I have areas where I find it easy to maintain discipline, and others where I find it very hard (eating being one of them). What has worked for me in the past is to maintain a schedule and set of personal rules I never break unless absolutely necessary, and avoid making any and all excuses about "well NEXT time..." etc. Make a plan, start NOW, and don't look back. It's the only way.

I know you don't like to talk about anime you are watching due to the inevitable "[Show] is coming to Toonami!" connection, so when people asked if you'd watched Kill la Kill, you understandably stayed quiet. Now that we know it is coming to Toonami, did you watch it beforehand or is it new to you?

I did watch it, yes. I like it a lot. Haterz fall back.
Liked by: Duelist

you said burial was one of your top 3 artists, who are the other two if you don't mind me asking?

Aphex Twin, Slayer.

Gary Holt vs Dave Mustaine in a no rules cage match. Who you rooting for and who wins?

I'm rooting for Gary Holt, and he wins because Mustaine is a total windbag.


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