
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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what is worse, a show that plays it completely safe, or a show that takes a lot of risk, and does fail on most of them?

Always the former.

Have you ever played golf before? If so, how did you enjoy it?

I've only played it once or twice, I'm terrible about it.

Anon with roommate issues here. currently the gf is laying in bed sobbing talking about how she's really depressed and I don't know what I should do about it..

Hey man I think I've given you all the advice I really can about this, sorry. Good luck.

Do you think there are any areas where IGPX could use some work or are you totally happy with the final product?

I certainly think IGPX could have been better. I'm proud of the work we did, and I think overall we made a very good show, but there are some moments I'm not totally happy with for sure.

So at my local store that sells a lot of stuff (DVDs, CDs, Blurays, Video games, even VHS tapes), I found IGPX Vol 1, 2, 4, 5 (Couldn't find 3, but I bought Vol 1).


if a creator wants to make something utterly terrible and does so, does that make it a success because they did what they wanted, or a failure because they created something awful?

If a creator considers their work a success, meaning, they feel they've achieved what they set out to do, it's perfectly valid for them to consider it a success. If what they created is considered awful by the public, it's perfectly valid for the public to call that work a failure. That's the beauty of art, there is no "right" answer.
Liked by: Isabella Pucini

regarding the couple...the old friend tends to ask way too much of his gf. And I never know if i should like, say anything to eithe rof them about this cuz i don't want to jeopardize my living situation, ya know, i just...she's not his servant =/ idk. i've tried telling him but idk if he gets it

Well if you and your other roomie sit them down, maybe they'll listen eh?

..to really do about it but i hate living with it. But that being said this is also the best living situation i've been in and probably aren't leaving here anytime soon. so...i guess i was just looking for tips or something.

The only thing TO do is to sit down one or both members of the couple and ask them to take their arguments to their room, and explain that their bickering is making the other members of the household uncomfortable. They might get mad and move out, and they might not. You'll never know unless you try. They might not even have a clue their bickering bothers the other members of the house that much!

Colleges are preasuring kids fresh out of high school to start deciding what they want to do for the rest of their life. How would one know what would make them happy doing for the rest of their lives before deciding on an official college major?

Colleges serve two valuable functions: one, to prepare young kids for being wholly on their own without their family taking care of them, and two, to teach said young people a course of study so that they can have an amount of expertise in a field they are interested in pursuing. I think everyone is different, some people have a hard time figuring out what they want to do for a living, it takes years. Others know right away. All I can say is, you have four years to figure it out in a setting which is conducive to learning. Whether you feel you're ready or not, you need to figure out what you might be good at that can provide you with an income and a way to support yourself. Because figuring it out on the fly, in the real world, with college debt hanging around your neck? That's gonna be a lot harder. Good luck!

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if a creator makes something that's utter crap and does so, does that make him a success or failure?

Your question is worded in a way that doesn't make sense to me, I'm sorry. Can you try rephrasing?

(Cont'd)...she is, we've even um exchanged pics (we're both over 20) but I don't know if should move on from her because I feel as though she doesn't want to talk as much as she says she does or keep trying. What do I do?

Man, I'd move on. If people don't respond, no matter what they are saying, there aren't into you. It's an online thing, right? Even easier. Just politely move on, no need for drama. Good luck.

Ok this question is a bit weird but hear me out. I've been talking to this girl, we met online and I really like her but the issue lies that she barely answers me, especially lately. She says she wants to get to know me better but yet doesn't seem to make an effort to even though she promises...

my answer will be in part two.

Any advice for getting to know and possibly even asking out a girl?

1. Talk to this person. 2. If they seem interested in you as a person, get to know them better. Treat them with kindness and respect. 3. If, upon getting to know them, you are attracted to them and ant to date, wait for the right opportunity and ask. If you're lucky, they will say yes. If not, they'll say no, and you can decide if you want to continue as friends or move on. Number one rule is, nothing will ever happen if you can't find the guts to try.

On a similar note to some previous asks, you guys (and adultswim action) were the best part of my childhood. My dad had to work far away in a stressful job, my mom worked night shifts, and I was often alone both at home and at school, so I really appreciated the escape and constant inspiration!

Thanks for sharing that!

I need help, I can't seem to ever finish a project (usually it's a audio/visual type project) everytime I show my stuff to friends, like little snippets, they say it looks really good but I can't ever finish the full thing, I always just scrap it and never touch the file again, I don't know why.

I'm not sure how I can help you here, it seems like you've identified the issue; you just don't know why. WHY may be a very deep personal fear of some sort that you haven't been able to face or identify. I'd try talking to very good friends about this, or a therapist, and trying to figure out what it is about FINISHING that scares you or makes you turn away. And remember, finishing something is hard. When something is done you have to assess it. Maybe that's what you're afraid of? Having to look at something you did your best at and is finished, and finding it wanting? I understand being afraid of that, but the flip side of that coin is that you will never leaner how to be better if you don't have some failures. They teach you more that your successes ever do.


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