
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Are people allowed to ask you anime related questions?

I don't answer that many, especially about new shows, because people always assume it means a show will or won't end up on Toonami if I am say something positive/negative. I also don't answer "what's your FAVORITE/LEAST FAVORITE show" etc.

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What video games coming out are you most hyped about?

Dragon Age! I'm enjoying Assassins Creed Rogue a lot, as well as Call of Duty, too.

Any tv shows or movies worth buying on blu ray? I was looking too maybe buy Twin Peaks on blu ray but wanted to see if you had any suggestions? Thanks!

I would definitely look into Twin Peaks, also The Sopranos, Deadwood, True Detective, Fargo, and Hannibal are all amazing.

What do you think of Flying Lotus having his songs on gta v?

I love Steve and I love his continued and amazing success.

Initial D? I enjoy the series but what about it do you feel makes it a significant animated series?

I think Initial D was one of the early worldwide successes one could point to of an anime that was not a fantasy/action/sci-fi/ on both the print side, with the manga coming over here, and with its various TV series, which were in every bookstore and video store for years. In terms of its influence, Initial D was one of the first pieces of media related to "Japanese car culture" that made it over here, and helped popularize "drifting" as a racing technique, as well as opened the door for games like Tokyo Extreme Racing (and many others). THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS owes a small debt to Initial D as well. This is not necessarily accepted wisdom about Initial D, but one of the ways in which I think manga/anime filters into our culture is through osmosis, like what I described poorly above. I don't think Initial D influenced that much other anime; but I believe it did subtly influence our culture. And that's huge.

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Liked by: Zeether Sketch

what are some books you have on your To-Read List?

New William Gibson, new Murakami, new Stephen King, and a whole bunch of others!

Do you have high hopes for Ride's reunion? I'm glad they're back but a bit worried that they're gonna try to incorporate too much of their post Going Blank Again material into their shows.

My hopes are low, and I agree with you about what I would hope they'd avoid in their comeback.

favorite adam sandler movies?

The only Sandler movies I like are PUNCH-DRUNK love and HAPPY GILMORE. Otherwise, he's terrible.

So maybe I'm crazy, but did you guys change the filter on Tom's voice recently? Like, around late July or August? It sounds a lot more subdued, almost like there's no filter at all.

Nope, we haven't changed it at all. The filter has never been very pronounced.

Have you seen Master Of The Martial Hearts? It's only five episodes, but the last episode makes it worth it trust me. It's amazing, you should marathon it one night.

No, I'll look into it, thanks.

Why did you block me on ask.fm?

You must have either a) asked the same question too many times or b) asked something shitty.

I'm a white male and I haven't had a Rush phase. I'm scared. How will it start? Will I overhear YYZ in a videogame and shazam it? Will I learn to play the bass? When will Geddy Lee appear in my dreams? Can I make it out of this alive?

No, you're doomed. Give up now.

what's your thought on completionists in anime? do you think they're just being too prideful in thinking that they must complete every anime they start no matter what?

I don't think so. If you like a show, you finish it.

I'm doing a History of Anime project for my film class. So, I'm asking some people what are some TV shows or films that you think contributed to anime? Thanks!

Films that contributed to anime: AKIRA, GHOST IN THE SHELL, KIMBA THE WHITE LION, SPIRITED AWAY, GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, PERFECT BLUE, many others. Series: Astro Boy, Gigantor, Speed Racer, Space Battleship Yamamoto, Robotech, Gundam, Patlabor, Ranma 1/2, DBZ, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Initial D, Cowboy Bebop, and many more.
Liked by: Duelist Sketch Lydia

What happens to the music about midway through season 2 of Twin peaks? Is it just me or is the music sound off?

I think they just ran out of new Badlamenti music, for whatever reason, and you can tell an immediate difference.

Just finished reading American Gods. Such am incredible story! Do you have favorite parts that particularly stick out to you as you read that book?

Not really, I liked it a lot though.

What's the main dish of choice at the DeMarco house for Thanksgiving? Italian or classic Turkey?

Usually we do both. Lasagna and Turkey!
Liked by: Duelist

I just want to say thank you and everyone at adult swim for your hard work on toonami, it really brightens my Saturday to know that I can watch such great shows all together :)

Thanks! And thanks for watching!


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