
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Interesting response to the Netflix/Hulu question. I could see them working simultaneously, yet these days you see many web shows popping up, you see Netflix making its own shows, you don't see any validity to that question at all?

Netflix is making their own shows, but still operating at a margin that would not let them have all original programming. People go to Netflix mostly for acquired shows, and they spend way too much on that to be able to have more than a few shows at a time. Amazon is making a lot of original content, but Amazon is operating at a huge loss which will catch up with them eventually. TV networks are profitable because it's a model that works. Netflix has never released any sort of user data so we have no idea how many people actually watch their shows....

I'm on hold with Dish customer service as I write this. Telling them that CN is the only reason I have TV at this point (especially since HBO is going standalone), and that unless they cut my bill in half I'm walking.

Man, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I hate that it's happening and I can't wait for it to be over.

on a scale of 1-10 how italian are you? (personality and customs)

I mean, I love Italian food, I was raised Roman Catholic, I'm a Momma's boy... Pretty Italian I guess.

I am 16 years old and I am going to start working at McDonalds. Do you have any past experiences working in the fast food area and do you have any advice for me?

I worked at KFC while I was in high school. I hated it, but I had fun messing around with my co-workers and it taught me a lot about showing up somewhere on time, excelling at new tasks, and what I didn't want to do with my life. Work hard but don't take it *too* seriously, and spend that pocket change well, you're gonna earn it! Good luck to you!
Liked by: Banji Caulker Claire

Since you got both Attack on Titan and Dbz kai are you feeling the pressure to keep outdoing yourself's for next year?

That's a pressure we always feel.

Ever seen any of these?: Billy the Kid vs. Dracula, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Bud the Chud, L'Inferno?

All of em. None of them are very good but most of them are fun.
Liked by: Duelist

So am I the only one who thinks Black Dynamite reminds of something that Studio Gainax would make?

Hm not a bad analogy.

Pardon if this is a dumb question, but what's the reasoning behind not starting Bleach at the beginning in the reruns? It might just be me, but the beginning was the best part of the show! It'd be fun to rewatch those episodes with my Toonami friends, who haven't seen those since 2006.

It's complicated and has to do with the way our deal is structured legally. We are rerunning what won't cost us extra money.
Liked by: Gordon Claire

How come you people at Toonami don't want to rerun Bleach from the Beginning? Do you hate the bleach fans or something?

Yes, dummy, you figured us out. We HATE Bleach fans! That's why we aired it for 6 years! Muahahahahaaaa

Damn man, Your so fucking rich you can modify your challenger to have a shaker hood and led lights.

I don't have LED lights. And the Hood wasn't that much, came with the car.

The shaker hood and led lights on that new challenger doe

Pretty hot, yeah. I already have the limited edition MOPAR intake on my current R/T plus but that Shaker is awesome.

Do you think Screamers in an underrated film? Thats the sort of stuff thats uber popular today

It's kind of a bag of shit.


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