
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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The backdoor Schedule keeps ruining any surprises can you guys please remove it?

It's not something we can control, sadly. Anyway, if you want to avoid having surprised ruined, you should pressure the assholes who go there daily waiting to be the one to know "first" and spoil everyone's fun!?

You're Action/Adventure list is Amazing. Out of curiosity, would TAKEN go anywhere on your list?

Thanks. Yeah I love TAKEN! Dumb fun.

Quest For Fire makes me a troll? A neanderthal perhaps but not a troll lmao. Im just asking because its at the crossroads between being artsy and being an action blockbuster. It did earn an oscar for costume design which makes me think its more artsy than anything. Sorry if I offended you

No no not at all, it's just that QUEST FOR FIRE is a) generally not considered an action movie and b) was a legendary flop at the time of its release. I've never heard or read anyone reference that movie when talking about "action movies," that's all!

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Was Quest For Fire considered an action blockbuster in the 80s? It seems a little artsy to me

Hahah I dunno if this is a troll or legit but either way it's funny. And "no," in case you were sincere.

What are some of your favorite Action/Adventure movies?

THE ROAD WARRIOR is, for my money, the best action movie ever made. Beyond that, DIE HARD, pick your choice of Tsui Hark/Jackie Chan/Sammo Hung/Jet Li/Michelle Yeoh/John Woo flicks, THE MATRIX, RONIN, the BOURNE films, various olde Schwarzenegger movies, ALIENS, ROBOCOP, KILL BILL PTS 1 & 2, and many more. And no, before anyone chimes in, THE RAID movies do not belong on this list. Kids who got excited about those movies just haven't seen enough Hong Kong action from the golden era of late 80s- mid 90s.

I know you don't talk politics but a simple yes or no answer would suffice here if you could? :3. Do you feel as though Obama deserves the hate he gets?

You're right, I don't talk politics here.

I paid 10 dollars for rtj2, now i find out that theyre giving it out for free on their website...****!

Oh noes! You actually *paid* to support an artist, are you gonna be okay??

I really like the fact that you are taking your valuable time to answer peoples questions, most celebrities are douche bags... you sir, are not. Thank you.

Ha I'm not a "celebrity" but thank you.

Do you believe that people that don't vote shouldn't complain if they don't like what was voted on?

No, I don't believe that. I believe the system is fundamentally broken and people choose to react to that in different ways. I have voted, but I totally understand feeling like our votes ultimately don't matter, and the desire not to engage with a fundamentally corrupt system. It may not be a response people agree with, but I think it's a perfectly valid one.

It's amazing how these people get so bent out of shape because what airs on Toonami. Meanwhile you are just sitting there totally chill. Mad Props to you good sir!


How bad are you at Science?

I dunno, not AWFUL just wasn't a strong subject for me. I like Biology but, like, Earth Science bored me to tears.

Are there any cover songs you like more than the original artist?

Hendrix's cover of "All Along The Watchtower" is better than the Dylan version by a country mile.

Who is a fictional character you identify with?

Well there are several: the Dad from Cormac Macarthy's "The Road," Don Draper from "Mad Men," MF DOOM, some aspects Steve Buscemi's character in GHOST WORLD, Rick Deckard from BLADE RUNNER. And The Lich of course. I'm weird.
Liked by: Claire

What do you think of Johnny Cash's "hurt" song?

I rarely dig covers but that one, particularly the video, is amazing.

When you say bad at math how bad are we talking here? Has it ever held you back?

I was never held back, but yeah... Bad. I'm super dumb at math.

What are the names-models of the various eyeglasses youve owned over the last 3 years? They look cool man!

Ha thanks man! Current pair isn't a "brand" and previous pairs were Versace.

favorite country artists?

Mostly old school artists like Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, George Jones, Hank Williams, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, etc.

Don't you think streaming sites like hulu and crunchyroll make toonami and tv altogether pointless?

No, stupid. Without TV, here and in Japan, none of the shows you enjoy on those sites will be made.

I've faced the same problem I'm Horrid at math to the point where it took me 4 tries to pass a freshman nyc algebra regents exam back in high school. I still use my fingers for simple counting and stuff. Im going to college now and its taking its toll on me. Advice?

Tutors REALLY help. Or, like me, go to art school! No math!


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