
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Not a question, but just wanted to say thanks for not only bringing back a significant part of my childhood, but making it continously awesome in my adulthood!

Liked by: Claire

Akira every Christmas! No joke I still have my DVRed recording from last year. I'll throw in a question now. Is the decision replay some movies about cost saving, because you folks dig those movies or a combination of the two?

Sketch1984’s Profile PhotoSketch
We never show anything we don't dig, but we've made some expensive moves this year and between that and the recent Turner cutbacks, we're pretty low on money for one off stuff like movies...

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Please just stick to new stuff don't betray the viewers reruns again please I beg of you!

I'm using you here as an example to show how NOT to message me on an Ask, which is for questions. Your next crybaby message will be blocked.
Liked by: Clinton Davis Sketch

I'm crossing my fingers for Akira again. I hope it becomes a better Christmas tradition than Die Hard.

I'm posting this to show the contrast with the next one...
Liked by: Sketch

is this month of movies going to have all new movies or are there going to be some repeated movies?

There will be some repeats, yes.
Liked by: Sketch

Not a question, but I am very much looking forward to what movies Toonami has for us this year. Akira and Summer Wars were awesome picks for last year's.

There will be some repeats and some new stuff as well. I think people will be happy.

Please tell me more great stuff is to come for 2015?

Look, we've been doing this for about 13 years or so at this point. Either you believe in us or you don't, your choice. I think we've had a pretty great year so far.

Are you interested in the new Steve Jobs movie with Christian Bale? I think it's a good fit.

Yeah could be interesting.

How can I enjoy Final act when bebop is still on the block?

If I might make a suggestion, try pulling your head out of your rear end? Dunno if that's possible though. ✌️
Liked by: Duelist Claire

You mentioned NIck fell from grace because they tried copying Disney, but hasn't Nick always had some kind of kid/teen sitcom/game show/comedy? Clarissa Explains it all, Salute Your Shorts, Pete and Pete, Keenan and Kel, Hey Dude and a few others I probably missed.

Of those listed, only Keenan & Kel is a true "sitcom." I meant, and this should be obvious, the type of multi-can sitcom typified by Hannah Montana, Zack & Cody, Wizards of Waverly Place, etc and on Nick, iCarly.

Have you ever worked with someone who was incredibly talented but you had a hard time motivating?

All the time!

Are you saying Sanjay and Craig is a good show? Because it's not.

No I'm saying one show does not bring down a network, and just because YOU might hate a show, that is in no way any sort of evidence said show brought down a network. Which should be obvious, but clearly wasn't.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Final act is already on hulu as well what's the point of airing in on Toonami?

What's the point of airing anything if it's available online, right? Oh, NOT right. Everything's available online, and yet TV persists... Could it be because... The two mediums... COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER??? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Liked by: Sldy93 Claire

Not really a question, but more of a PSA for Toonami faithful: All of the original Inuyasha is available dubbed and for free on Hulu!

FYI guys.

What is your opinion on dubstep? Will we ever see dubstep played on the Toonami bumps?

You already have, I guess you missed it. I like dub step just fine, it's not my favorite but there's some good stuff in the genre.

Do you think the new cod game will be shit? What console are you buying it for.

I'll be buying it for PS4, most likely. I don't think it will be shit, but I hope the multiplayer is better than the last one.

Do you have a particular favorite character from Game of Thrones? Anyone you dislike?

Favorite character now and forever is Arya Stark. Least favorite character? From the books, Strong Belwas or Reek/Theon Greyjoy. From the show, Lysa Arryn.

Thanks for responding. I've been noticing too that smaller cartoon channels are either being rebooted or shut down. With Hub Network gone and Boomerang being rebooted into being a carbon copy of CN, I'm starting to worry who might be next. Honestly, my money is on either Nicktoons or TeenNick.

Arguably neither of those channels have a very good reason to exist, so I actually don't think there's anything wrong with that happening. Anyway.

In response to the channel fall from grace, ( sorry,but I love responding to questions), could the current state of nick could been prevented? And do you think their current state could get worse now that the ratings are starting to decline badly?

Of course it could have been prevented. They let SpongeBob (which I love) completely take over their network, and then simultaneously tried to chase Disneys huge success with kid sitcoms, and forgot who they were. Identity crises like this happen to every network eventually, but Nicks has been going on for years and shows no signs of abatement. They are lost in the wilderness right now.

How do you feel about COD Advanced Warfare releasing in 2 and a half weeks? What do you think of the game?

I'm ready to kill ALL OF YOU
Liked by: Gordon


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