
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Recently I've noticed myself being more stressed. I've had problems at work, I was recently diagnosed with a bad medical problem, my life seems to be at a standstill and other issues. I guess I'm just looking for advice on what you would do in these situations?

Well first of all, I'm sorry about everything you're going through! It's kind of hard for me to give you advice unless I have more specifics, though. I myself dealt with some serious medical issues last year, in the middle of moving my family and planning a wedding, and there was a lot of pain and stress all around. What I do in situations like that is to try to focus on small, attainable goals each day that will give me a signpost of something to work towards. This can be simply "I'm gonna get that script done" to "I'm not gonna eat junk food this week." I think when things are bad on multiple levels in one's life, you almost need to go into a triage situation where you take care of as many of the smaller issues as you can, and then see if you are ready to find a way to tackle the big ones. Anyway, it works for me and I'm no genius. Just remember that everyone goes through ups and downs like this, and eventually things will turn around! Good luck!

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were u ever in band class during school? what instrument did u play?

Nope, was never in any club of any kind in school. I moved a lot, and I've never been much of a joiner.

Is blu ray worth it if so why?

It's worth it if you want to watch something in the absolute best image quality available and don't want to worry about finding it streaming or keeping huge files on your hard drive.

Were you ever a subscriber of the manga magazine Shonen Jump? Btw, I'm sure I speak for many people when I say Toonami was one of the better highlights of my childhood.. Do you feel like when you were a kid you enjoyed a lot of things more than you would as an adult?

Thank you. We got Shonen Jump at the Toonami offices for a while, not any more though. As to your other question, actually no- I feel like I enjoy things more NOW, as an adult, because my joy is backed by knowledge and understanding that allows me to steer myself towards the things I really love.

What degree I need to work for turner?

That's totally dependent upon the type of job you'd be applying for, but a bachelor's degree is usually a start.

Why do some great shows and anime never come out on dvd?

It's sometimes about the tangled web of rights that result in something coming across the ocean from a far away place to the U.S., and it's more often about demand. If many people want something, commerce almost always finds a way. If not... it doesn't.

Do you think that evangelion is pretentious?

Not at all. I think that's a word people bandy about when they refer to art they don't understand or care about, especially if other people are big fans or ascribe meaning to said art.
Liked by: Jonathan Rizko

Which type of math were you the with at school?

I was a RILL dummy at math in school. Somehow I convinced my principal to give me double art classes, so I didn't even have a math class past 10th grade, and didn't take physics either. Like I said, I'm baaaad at math. ;)

Swans. Y/N?

N for me. I get the appeal but it's too over the top, I find some of Swans' music kind of ridiculous. I also think most of the bands' reputation rests on their live show, which can be really great.

What's a tv character that you hated at first, but came to love?

The only character I can think of like that is Walter White, who I hated and loved in equal measure.

What can I do about my bestfriend always in my house? I told him he could come over for one Football game game but it seems he took it as a invitation to come every week monday thursday saturday and Sunday. I dont mind but my gf isnt a fan and would prefer more alone time. Im conflicted help.

Well, sounds like you have to have a chat with your BFF about boundaries, and that you need to be alone with your GF more. It's normal, and he may not understand at first, but if you're really buddies and he cares about you, he'll eventually come around and you'll have a healthy friendship. You should just talk to him the next time you hang out with him. Good luck!

What are the perks of being an AS tv executive?

Decent pay, great health benefits, flexible hours, and WAY more creative freedom than just about any other TV network. No complaints here!

When AS is looking to aquire new shows do you guys go scouting for new shows and new show Ideas or do you wait for a show to be offered to you?

It's a mix of both.

Have you ever gotten producer credits for a CN or AS show?

Yep, I have credits in some eps of Aqua Teen, Off The Air, and a few other shows.

Can you tell us about some of the early ideas snd name for Toonami?

One early concept for Toonami was that it would be hosted by a teenage girl on a live-action space age set who would talk to an A.I. named "SURGE." We even interviewed and screen tested ladies for the part, including a young Selma Blair. We scrapped the idea as being too expensive though, and Mike Lazzo suggested reusing a Hanna-Barbera character, which is how we landed on... Moltar.

Worst treacher or professor you had in school?

Can't remember. As with anything else I can remember the BEST, but not really the worst.


Language: English