
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you think bad cops outweight good cops?

Of course! Bad people outnumber good people in the world, cops are no different.

Was there ever a time a book or a movie was ever spoile for you by someone or maybe something on the Internet?

Honestly, it's happened maybe once. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can manage to avoid a spoiler about a show/movie/book if they really want to.

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Adult Swim now have a beautiful :45 sign-on, but just a 5-sec disclaimer as a sign-on. I think it would be a great idea to air a proper introduction to the viewers at 8pm, with an engaging welcome message and tonight's schedule. What do you think? It would look like this: http://youtu.be/Xys6W83IynY

That's interesting, but that's what's known as a "menu" and we don't traditionally air those (besides some bumps on occasion), b/c your cable guide has taken care of that function pretty thoroughly. In fact, you won't see many menus on networks at all any more. It also assumes the person tuning in for King of the Hill is the same person who will watch Tim & Eric at midnight, and we've found that's not necessarily the case. Looks cool though.

What do you think of the A.V Club?

I think they used go be great, and since many of their best writers split to go write for The Dissolve, the quality of the site has declined. It's still worth checking out, though.

Not sure if you've been asked before but what did you think of the Karl Urban Dredd movie?

I liked it! Thought it would suck but it was pretty fun.

New Moto X vs. iPhone 6 = ???. N' Why?

I'm a Mac user mostly b/c of work, so for me it will be iPhone. But I'm not buying a new one until my old one outlives it's usefulness. I don't care about having the hot new shit.

What was the nerd culture like for you growing up?

VERY different than now. The internet has brought nerd culture to the forefront, and these days all the nerd stuff I liked (comics, superheroes, tech stuff) rules pop culture. Now, if you don't like something nerds like, they will ostracize YOU. When I was a kid, if you were into something outside of the mainstream like comics, or certain kinds of music, etc- you had to go places (comic stores/conventions, live shows) to meet other people who were into that same stuff. And meeting them could often be a revelation! People didn't have cell phones or the internet, and learning about a culture wasn't something you could do in five minutes. You got excited about meeting new people because they would put you on to the hot new shit, and you could do the same for them. Nerd culture was way more inviting. Things are very different now. Not worse, per se- it's just a different world!

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Liked by: Cornman

Are you done with PS3 and Xbox 360?

Yeah for the most part. Still playing the Telltale Walking Dead games but that's about it.

So basically Apple unveiled a slightly bigger iPhone that's really the same as before, introduced a $349 gimmick that only apple steeple will buy, unveiled a program that'll possibly be as broken as iTunes or iCloud, and attempted to make people give a shit about U2 again. Am I correct?

Pretty much sums it up.

I recently moved to the city and I just experienced my first "aggressive guy harassing me for money" deal. I'm sure you've run into these kind of people before, how do you deal with them? Any stories?

I usually just walk away. Once in a while I will give a homeless person money, but its rare. When a homeless person is aggressive, they are usually easily avoidable. I'd just keep moving.

What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

I'm happy with the two cats and two dogs I have now! Not sure I could handle another one.

Thanks for inspiring me to start learning After Effects through Toonami! As an exercise I decided to try recreating some bumps. He's a WIP of a "now next later" one: a.pomf.se/nqkyvw.mp4 I'm looking forward to figuring out how you guys accomplished all of those cool visual effects!

Awesome! Keep up the good work.

What are some obscure or strange flicks that you would recommend everyone should check out at least once? Thanks, man!

Some that not everyone seem to know are THE REFLECTING SKIN, starring a young Viggo Mortensen. I also like THE DARK BACKWARD because it presses a lot of my buttons, and has Bill Paxton eating shit. LA JETEE is another one. Then I'd investigate the work of David Lynch, Alejandro Jodorowsky, David Cronenberg, Luis Bunel, Chris Marker, etc. There are many more but I'm not thinking clearly this morning.

Advice on how to be smooth with the ladies?

The oldest nugget here is still the best: be yourself. Be honest, be respectful, be kind. One day someone will come along and do the same for you. If you're REALLY lucky, you'll both want the same thing at the same time.

Did you get your wisdom theeth taken out?

Yes I had three impacted ones in my 20s and had them all removed at once. It sucked.


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