
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What are a couple of the better books you've read in the time with your book club?

Hmmm "12th of December" by George Saunders was one, "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" by Haruki Murakami was another.

So I just found out that Ryanfromtheshire, an old poster on the Adult Swim Message Boards, recently committed suicide. That's fucked up. :(

That's horrible, I'm so sorry to hear that.

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My twitter,instagram,snapchat and facebook have all been hacked and this hacker is talking to my friends and followers pretending to be me and using my accounts as me on everything but twitter where he admits to hacking and is writing strange tweets. I tring 2 report. I feel horrible.

That sucks. There are protocols when stuff like that happens, and you should do some online research about that if you haven't already- but it can often take an aggravatingly long time to sort out. In the meantime, tell your IRL friends you've been hacked and warn them, everyone online is probably already aware those accounts aren't being controlled by you any more. And good luck.

Dear Jason, I work in a TV control room with 3 other guys and the whole setup is really complicated. Yet, when I watch Toonami, TOM is controlling everything with a couple of buttons from his chair's armrest. My question is where can I get one of those to run things more smoothly?

But If you get your *own* TOM, aren't you just making yourself obsolete? Thereby putting yourself out of a job? Think it over!

Do you like the out doors at all hiking or fishing or camping or anything?

Nope. I'm a city boi all that shit bores me to tears.

If you could be any character in any #Toonami show, who would you want to be, and why?

I'd want to be TOM because he's the best version of me.

Are you more of an early bird, or a night owl? Gonna guess night owl, because Toonami. Lol.

Little bit of both, actually. I just don't sleep very much.

I've noticed that the past few show promos you've done have lacked narration. Was this intentional or did you feel like it just suited the shows better?

Good ear! Actually, I think it's fair to say you'll be seeing less narration in general in Toonami promos. When we brought Toonami back we worked as hard as possible to give our promos that "old school" Toonami feel, but slowly we've been trying to move things closer to the style of most film and TV trailers nowadays, which use little or no voice over. We started this with our Eva movie promos and AKIRA, and you'll be seeing this style more and more. We will still occasionally mix it up with a voice over heavy trailer, but it will become something you see less often. Toonami needs to continue changing and growing to stay relevant. We think we can make kickass promos with or without VO, hope you agree!

I'm sure I'm the thousandth person to ask this, but for clarification, are episodes 9 and 10 of Hellsing Ultimate going to be aired, or is it just the initial 8 episodes?

All 10.

Do you think it would be better for a company to raise wages and raise prices of their goods or for a company to raise wages and just have lower profits?

Either/or, depending on the company. Investing in happy workers and a well made product are two tenets every organization should abide by.

Do you think arcades should come back ?

I loved going to arcades as a kid, I don't know about "should" but I would love it if they came back.
Liked by: Zeether

do you think games are art or are they more than art ?

I DO think great games can be art. I also think that as art, games should be held up to the highest moral and aesthetic standards and that people should be free to express thoughts and opinions re: those standards, like every other art form. It's one of the ways art forms mature and grow.
Liked by: Babygirl

did you like paul lakakis back in the 80's ?

Ah so you're a bored troll who's gonna spend your downtime posting me stuff about Paul Lakakis. I figured that first thing you sent was the beginning of the next "DeMarco, are you a rapper" series of trolls. I hope you enjoy how funny you think you are! I'll know to just block you from now on. ;)

What do you think of Quentin in The magicians? I've been reading the first novel and I really dislike him so far. I really enjoy the book though!

Stick with him. He's messed up, and he's not supposed to be super likeable. You'll get to know and understand him better, even if you may never come to love him.

I'm just voicing out my opinion here, but I wish that it was übermansion that got greenlit instead of Mr.pickles. I know there might be a chance that show might be better the the pilot that I hated, but I'll have to skip out this time. I do apologize, but mr.pickles just isn't my taste.

I dunno why you're telling ME this, but cool.

I'm terribly sorry to bother you, kind sir, but I was wondering if you have any idea when a fifth season of Metalocalypse might be gracing us with it's presence? (And thank you for all your amazing work over the years).

Thanks for the kind words, but I have no info for you at present.

What activities are best for people with little to no money? Ive been bored with muly life and I am looking for something to do but Im horribly broke. Advice.

Well first of all, I'm sorry you're broke and I hope your situation improves. As far as what to do when you're broke, for me? The library was always my spot. Music, movies, the Internet, and of course books- that's the place to go if you're bored. Beyond that, I've always found creative pursuits to be a great way to relieve boredom. Drawing, writing, painting, they're all free. That's about the best I can offer you, I'm sorry!


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