
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I forgot if you mentioned any favorite British shows a while back but have you seen Red Dwarf? I heard it kinda falls flat on humor by series VII but the earlier series are pretty good.

Zeether’s Profile PhotoZeether
Not a fan of Red Dwarf.

Being a white male heavily into rap. What do you do when referring to a song with the "N word" in the title or hook or something.

Usually just put a * in there: "Hot N*gga."

Who are some good new age producers and record makers?

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by "new age," that's a pretty broad category. Maybe suggest some artists in the exact zone you're thinking of?

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What's are some good film adaptations that you feel surpass the source material? Blade Runner, Godfather, I'd say, but generally I think it's quite hard to do.

BLADE RUNNER is amazing but I would not say it's better than the book, which is great in a different way. I'd agree with you on GODFATHER, I'd also add JAWS, ROAD TO PERDITION, A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, FIGHT CLUB, a few others. It happens, but it's rare.

So I just got a new job, I'm going from a crappy retail job, to a desk job dealing with finances and such. I really hate the retail job, and I've been phoning it in this last week, should I feel bad?

I don't think you should feel bad, really. Retail is such a shitty grind. That said, I'm sort of that type of person who would try to do my best up until the very last day, just because of personal pride. At the same time, fuck 'em. Good luck with your new gig!

This may be a odd question, have you ever really enjoyed reading a book but at the same time had a hard time reading through it?

Absolutely. Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" is one of my favorite books, but it's a hard read.

Which non-action Japanese animated series (that have no business airing on Toonami) do you feel are good gateway shows to recommend to people who do not already watch anime.

Sketch1984’s Profile PhotoSketch
I'd start with Ranma. It's not "non-action" but it is something special and something we wouldn't air on Toonami. Paranoia Agent is another one, as is Lain.
Liked by: Sketch

Why does it seem like Western animation repeats it's characters' names more so than other styles? Is it a marketing thing, or does it seem that way because they use names we're use to in the English language? Always find it harder to retain names of most large character animes.

I'm sorry, I really don't know what you mean here....

did you see snowpiercer? i don't think enough people saw it tbh...

Ehhh I think enough people saw it. I liked it, I don't think it's as good as everyone else says though. I think it has some significant problems. But it's very well shot and it's INTERESTING.

Is it as easy for you to rewatch tv show's as it is with movies?

Well no, because of the time commitment. I have re-watched several of my absolute favorites though.

Does Richie Branson still work for adult swim? I love to hear more of his music on Toonami. I don't know if you heard his new album and I like his Attack on Titan song.

ArthurMesa’s Profile PhotoArthur Mesa
He never worked for Adult Swim, to be clear. But we certainly hope to have Richie's music back on Toonami at some point!
Liked by: Arthur Mesa

I know you say you don't like when you don't have work to do, but what do you enjoy doing in your rare down/free time to relax or as a hobby, etc. A beer and whatever anime you're currently watching?

I'm a huge film, TV, music, gaming, and comic nerd. It's really all I do. Hahha

If you say that you have been "self-training" to become a voice actor for a few years, does that qualify you to get hired by the anime industry or do you need experience? Because sometime self-training works.

That does not qualify you, no.


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