
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I plan on calling it quits after Space Dandy this Saturday, but just saw a promo for something called Zurtrun that will be airing during the Titan-thon. That another pilot like King Star King? If so, it more action-y than KSK was?

It's just a series of interstitial shorts a great guy named Brian Wysol made, that we thought would be a fun thing to air throughout the AOT marathon on Toonami. They're sci-fi comedy shorts that tweak the tropes of cartoons we used to show like Galaxy Trio, Space Ghost, etc. There will be about 8 different ones throughout the marathon. I'm sure some weeabos will complain, and some folks will think they're funny. We like em!
Liked by: Sketch Gordon

What do you think about the BBC version of House of Cards?

I think it's great and FARRR superior to the Netflix version, which I also like.
Liked by: regs

i know you probably dont like chad vangaalen much but what do you think about him animating his own music videos and making his own album art?

I like him aight and I think it's really cool that he likes to do all his own art.

if action cartoons never come back though what the fuck are kids going to grow up on? all there is now is like Power Rangers, WWE, Ben 10, and TMNT if kids want anything with some action. Is this some shit to get kids to be non violent or something?

Kids are growing up on Marvel movies, Transformers, TMNT, DC movies, etc, those are the new action cartoons.
Liked by: Chance Clarke

It's a few weeks away, but will you guys be playing the TV version of Gurren Lagann Episode 6 or the DVD/Blu-ray version? Both are dubbed, so I'm wondering which will end up hitting the airwaves.

TV version. We tried to get the Home Video version, but it isn't licensed for broadcast in the US and those rights couldn't be obtained.

Jason please help, I heard nicki minajs new song and I was wondering have big firm booties always been a thing even in previous generations or is it an acquired taste of this generation?

You've heard of "Baby Got Back," right? There's your answer.
Liked by: Chance

Any JRPGs you'd recommend besides the usual, ala Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger? I just recently got into Shin Megami Tensei and that's been blowing me away.

Well Shin Megami is kinda like another BIG franchise these days, so that's not really an "unusual" RPG any more, although when the first one came out, it sure was. JRPGs I've played and still love over the years include: Lunar: Eternal Blue, Grandia, Xenogears, Strider, Skies of Arcadia, Suikoden I and II, Secret of Mana, Golden Sun, Ni No Kuni,

How did u learn to drive? Did you pass the test your forst time?

Same way as everyone I guess. My grandpa taught me how to use a stick shift in parking lots etc, I took the driver's test, passed the first time. Was easy!

The Challenger Hellcat doesnt look half as good as the 392 Scat-Pack Shaker but they are still beastmachines. 2015 will be a legendary model year for the Dodge Challenger thats for sure.

Yeah I'm very excited about the 2015s. Thinking about upgrading!

Do you think action cartoon will ever make a come back to T.V. ?

For kids? It's not looking good. I'm sure there will be anomalies but it's going to be a rare bird.

I miss FLCL :( Why isn't there a 2nd season? :(

That was the rare instance of two amazing studios coming together to make a beautiful piece of art, and whatever alchemy brought them together to make FLCL probably won't happen again. Just be happy we got the six eps we did!

Thanks, I'm gonna check that out. I thought Lain was great from the get-go, while Paranoia Agent took some episodes to win me over. Both amazing, though.

GOLGO 13 is more pulpy trash than either of those, but I love me some Golgo. The 80s Golgo stuff is classic.

Best albums from Ninja Tune?

That's a BIG list but off the top of my head, in order: Amon Tobin's entire discography, any DJ Food/Coldcut mixes, DJ Vadim's first three albums, Blockhead's entire catalog, King Gheedorah, Funki Porcini "Hed Phone Sex," anything Kruder & Dorfmeister, The Irresistable Force "It's Tomorrow Already," Roots Manuva "Brand New Second Hand.

Any neo-noir like animes you could recommend? Also, your opinions on Serial Experiments Lain.

Neo-Noir? Mannnn I say GOLGO, baby. Any and all GOLGO. I love LAIN, one of my very favorite anime and a show that's done a certain kind of horror better than any other, except perhaps PARANOIA AGENT.

Are politicians in ATL as scandalous and controversial as NY politicians?

Absolutely. Super corrupt and venal.

do you have any boc on vinyl or will you be getting the represses?

I have "Music Has the Right to Children" and "Geogaddi" in vinyl, I MAY buy the remaster of "Twoism."

[as] funded the 2nd season of The Big O, and I've heard you tried to fund continuations of Bebop and FLCL too. Are their any other [as]/Toonami shows you wish had gotten more seasons?

Gundam Wing, allll day

I know you don't like answering Toonami related questions on here, but I keep getting conflicting answers: what shows were part of Roulette? I've read Space Ghost, Birdman/Galaxy Trio, Herculoids, Superman, Mightor, Shazzan, Impossibles, Teen Force, and Fantastic Four. Did all those play/any others?

The first five were part of Roulette. I don't think there were any others, I know the rest you listed were NOT.


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