
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Captain Murphy was awesome. It fit well with the episode of Space Dandy after it, which blew away all expectations

spacejam2539’s Profile PhotoAlex J
Glad you enjoyed em!

Shit man, I started listening to some captain murphy stuff online after that video. THIS IS AMAZING! Thanks for sharing =D

Glad you dig it!

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I disagree with you on more than a few things, but your work on Toonami and shit like that Captain Murphy video or Reagan is unrivaled. Hope to work with you one day

Ha thanks I guess?

Why do people care about anime OP/ED's? Toonami should cut them completely, and they should be cut completely from the BD's and DVD's too.

Well I wouldn't go THAT far. I think some ppl do make too big of a deal out of opens and endings, though.

Why was the opening to Gurren Lagann cut this week?

We don't have the time to run the full openings for the shows every week. We ran the full open for Gurren Lagann when it premiered, and from now on it will have to be the shortened open, unfortunately.

Are there any good Jake gyllenhaal movies you liked? His acting seemed really unique and on point in Donnie Darko

He's very good in a lot of things. ZODIAC, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, END OF WATCH, SOURCE CODE, JARHEAD, PRISONERS, and most recently, ENEMY.

Toonami: Currently the second best broadcaster of adult animated television featuring weird yellow-skinned characters

Yeah, FXX loves you. Have fun with that!

Why do you hate the Simpsons so much?

I don't hate the Simpsons at all, it's one of the greatest animated shows of all time. It hasn't been very good for about 10 years, though.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Remember when nintendo was actually good?

I think their software is still reliably excellent. Their hardware is reliably horrible, minus the DS.

I thought Wii U mostly used a DS-style buttons and tablet controller as opposed to the wands (still arguably stupid for a non-handheld console, but it's not the same controller as Wii).

Yes, and still stupid.

Were you a fan of Courage the Cowardly Dog? I ask since the animation focused channel RebelTaxi recently did a 3 part interview with the creator of the show and I wanted to know if you either liked the show, or at least see a bit of the interview.

I did enjoy Courage! Was sad to see it cancelled before it's time.

How dependent are you on ur glasses? Can you efficient w/o them?

I can efficient w/o my glasses, my vision just needs slight correction.

Doesn't the Wii U have its own traditional controllers?

I think so at this point, but every game is designed to heavily function those stupid wands. Not for me.

Any new blu rays you think are worth buying? Tv/movies.

The new Blu of Y TU MAMA TAMBÍEN is great. I'd also suggest the new TWIN PEAKS boxed set, but that appears to have some audio issues!

I think everyone continues growing and learning throughout their lifetime, but is there a specific period that you feel transformed you or awakened you?

College was a big one- aka my early 20s. Then again in my 30s, raising a child. looking forward to the next one!

Is there anything competing with toonami's views for that time slot

Comedy Central and F/X actively counter-program us weekly.
Liked by: Sketch

In hip hop, what do you think requires more talent, rapping or producing?

Both of them, when done very well, take an equal amount of talent.

Is Nintendo's more recent gaming systems as much fun to you as the gamecube & the n64?

I don't own a Wii U, I hate the Wii controllers and can't play games with them.
Liked by: Michael Warming


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