
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Is there a reason you are as always so angry? So seem like an angry person.

There are many reasons I may seem angry to someone who doesn't know me at all, but is it really polite of you to follow me, and ask that question?

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I know you're not a Childish Gambino fan but do you give any credit to Donald Glover as an actor? Mystery Team and his Derrick Comedy youtube channel is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. And I enjoyed him a lot on Community (which I know you don't really care for).

Well let's be clear: Donald Glover is rich and famous and doesn't need anyone defending him! But yes, he's a fine actor and I think that's what he should be doing.
Liked by: Duelist

You're pretty great at shutting down trolls man:D Is it natural or learned?

DEFNITELY learned. I'm not naturally someone who's rude to people, promise. That said, once you start off being a dick to me... it's on. ;)

Do you ever let those dumb, ignorant questions get under your skin more than it should?

Very rarely. Usually the only time I spend thinking about a troll is if I'm responding to them.

I was wondering since you guys make episodes promos for Attack On Titan and Space Dandy then can you make episodes promos for the other shows on Toonami like Gurren Lagann, Naruto Shippuden, One Piece and Bleach because it will help draw in viewers for those shows like the other two shows.

I'm sorry, we'd like to but not only do we not have the time to produce and create those promos for every show every week, there isn't sufficient commercial time to air them. Sadly we must choose priorities.

In circles of fandom there are always the vocal who think they know what's really going on and not to trust those who make the entertainment product. The problem is there are so many fans who hang on these peoples' every word. What's the thought process behind someone like that? I can't comprehend.

I've noticed the Internet tends to amplify some people's need to be seen as smarter than others. One easy shortcut is to pretend or imagine they know more than the "sheeple." It's sad but it's the way of the 'net.

Are you a fan of the Persona games by any chance Jason?

Sure, I haven't played them all, but I've played a couple.

Do you know any disturbing songs in terms of lyrics and melody?

Hm sorry I don't really find anything I listen to disturbing...

why do internet people hate anything popular?

Because the Internet gives everyone a voice, even the worst of us.

Hey Mr.demarco are you a fan of any real time strategy games like old star craft ? or do prefer games like XCOM ?


Lana Del Reys Ultraviolence album is just waiting to be remixed into drum n bass and dubstep, I wish I could do it myself! Any tips on how to get started producing music from a computer? Any programs youd recommend? Im not trying to go bigtime but id like to entertain some personal creative ideas

I'd just grab garageband or logic if you can, and start playing around. There are lots and lots of tutorials on Youtube that can help, as well. Just jeep plugging away and you'll get the hang of it! Good luck!

What proof do you have that I cant speak japanese?

What proof do you have that you DO? You made the assertion, why is on ME to provide the burden of proof that some anonymous shit talker ISN'T full of shit? Back to court with thee, Matlock.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

First of all, I can speak Japanese. Second of all, all you dub fans complain on music and edits, but vocal performance changes are okay? its hypocritical.

"First of all" we both know you're lying, anon. Actual humans who aren't bullshit artists don't anonymously troll here. So don't even bother with that. And no, again, TRANSLATING SOMETHING INTO ANOTHER LANGUAGE is not the same in any way as editing/cutting/re-mixing something. That's somewhat obvious to most grown thinking adults. And to further clarify, I've never said I personally have a problem with re-edits or music changes. You're thinking of some other, theoretical person whose existence will support your unsupportable position. You want to feel superior to others? Cool have fun with that. Just go do it somewhere else.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

What's your process for putting together the Adult Swim Singles Program? Curious because they're always amazing!

Thanks for saying so! The process is pretty simple. I just make a list of artists I like and want to work with, and start working down it and contacting artists, with the help of a few friends. That's honestly about it.

Do you like Psycho 1998? Like a dub, it is the same thing as the original, right?

Sorry, that's not the same thing at all. That's A REMAKE. Not a TRANSLATION. If you're so invested in watching something PURELY THE WAY IT WAS MADE, you'd better buy non-subbed versions of every anime and learn to speak fluent Japanese, so you understand them. Until then, it's STILL A TRANSLATION. And you're still thick. See, when you have zero logic behind an argument it's very easy to tear it to shreds.

I heard you guys started a rumor back in the day that the creator of Bebop prefers the dub. Wow, that is an all time low for you guys.

You heard wrong, dimwit. Which is probably not a new low for YOU, I'm guessing.

Are you planning on watching the Simpsons marathon, how long do you think you would be able to last?



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