
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Started dating a girl who turned me vegan. Took her to Dinner with my parents. They had passive aggressive comments on her tats & us being vegan. They think she is changing me. I'm 20 but I don't like their resistance. Any advice?

Sure. Take them aside and tell them you didn't appreciate what they said, and that while they may disagree with your choice, it's not hurting anyone and its not something THEY have to do, so ultimately it's none of their business. They love you and they don't understand, so it's confusing and scary to them. Tell them you love them and you're making this decision because of your own feelings, and that beyond that, it's none of their damn business and they certainly shouldn't talk trash about any woman you are dating, in front of her to boot. Good luck.

I'm a 14 year old actor on a TV show. I've gained a large following from a mainly female fanbase online. I've been hiding the fact that I'm gay from the public because of fear of losing my fanbase and getting hate. I want to be honest w/ everyone. Should I be honest or leave it unanswered?

Wow, that's so tricky, I totally get your concern and I'm sorry you're stuck in this position. My feeling is you should be who you are, and the earlier you do it, the less of a big deal it will be. At some point, you're probably going to want to come out, right? The longer you wait, the harder it might be. Hiding who you are is it's own kind of hell. I would say, talk to the people closest to you, who know your career path and care about you- friends, family, management, etc- and see what they think. They will offer more insight than I can. All I can say is I think it's a risk for sure, but there are risks and there are RISKS... hiding who you are for years to come seems like a big one to me. Whatever you decide, good luck and I'm sorry you're in this position.

What do you eat (or not eat) to stay lean?

I use a calorie counting/fitness app called MyFitnessPal, I've had good results with it. Set yourself an dietary limit of calorie intake and try to exercise, from there it's all about math, portion sizes and willpower! Good luck!

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What can I do about being called a nerd or loser in school for watching anime? My gf is even taking heat cause she's pretty and popular and I watch anime.

I think in high school there's always a group of people who want to belittle others. Ignore em. If someone talks shit either avoid them or tell them to fuck off. Like what you like! Don't PUSH it on people, but be about what you're about and fuck anyone who wants to make you feel bad for it. Good luck.

3 Q's:Working w/ musicians/artists/living in the south, thoughts on how to get a career in the rts w/ a low level police record? Being that so many of us have them, how would one break in to decent employment in television when pay is notoriously low and everyone does strict background checks?

Depends on the charges and how much the person wants you. It's possible for sure. You'd be surprised what average background checks miss at the local level, too. Pay in TV is low at the entry level, but its way better than a lot of other industries. I say go for it...

I don't know who choose the song for [as] or for toonami... but give him a hug or something. Seriously, i did you come with these great song for the bumper ? Because of [as], i've become a fan of Tycho and i don't know a lot of person who work at william street but thank you !

I pick all the music for Toonami and most of the music for Adult Swim, and the amazing bumps team takes the music I give them and decides what to use in bumps. SO, you're welcome!

Pt2: given that pay is notoriously low, education costs are so high, and there are virtually no decent jobs to start with that allow for responsibility (paying back loans, rent, etc), is there any way to justify going to school to work in television or film?

School is valuable for reasons beyond simple learning. I think it's worth it for a lot of people. Everyone is in debt, and no one makes enough money. A degree isn't always necessary in TV or Film, (really more Film)- but it usually is.

Pt3: is there any personality trait you've witnessed common in those who have the tolerance for succeeding in television and film, especially given that film and television schools are full of flaky people, and upper management has been notoriously cutthroat in the past?

The ability to make allies and work with others, to recognize talent in others and to take risks, is very very key.

Follow up - thoughts on getting through jobs you hate while unsuccessfully/relentlessly applying for jobs that you want in the television and film industry? So many pay too little to survive on in our economy, but I don't want to stray from the path to being a part of it.

You have to just keep grinding. Keep applying, keep working at your goal. Nothing else will get you to where you want to be. I know it's not right, but it's the system we live and work in. Good luck.

With all the negativity that seems to come from the Toonami community at times, I just wanted to say thanks for what you do. I am preparing to lose a job I love, I work at an Entertainment store that is shutting down tomorrow. Having Toonami to come home to will, as usual, make things a lil easier

JC W. Humphrey
Thanks for letting me know, that's honestly why we do it.

(Dunno if it got sent or not since the site made me sign up after I clicked ask and took me to another page, so if this is a repeat, just ignore me!) How popular was Yu Yu Hakusho compared to DBZ back in the day?

Grey Blade
Not even close. I like YuYu a lot but at least in the US, it never ever came close to the level of popularity of DBZ.

Theres this girl I've had feelings for,for the longest time & Ive finally opened up to her since I was finally ready...surprisingly, she said she's willing to give me a chance, so our first date is soon at this restaurant. Anything I need to know? cuz I'm super nervous & don't want to screw this up

Just be yourself. She likes you too, so really now it's time to just get to know one another. Don't put too much pressure on you or her. Just see what comes naturally. Listen to what she has to say and pay attention to her needs. You'll do great. Good luck!

What are your Thoughts on Gundam seed ? and the Op Gundam that is The ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom and its pilot Kira yamato ? I'm sure you heard how Gundam fans feel about this, series but I'm eager to know your take on this title. :)

Chris G
We'll be talking about Gundam Seed on Toonami Pre-Flight in the next few weeks, keep checking for the episode!

Hey , Clarknova. How did you guys come up with the name Toonami? Is there some deep space original story behind it?

We were making a list of names for the block and one of the ones I came up with was "Toonami," like a Tsunami of Cartoons. Pretty simple really. Our boss, Mike Lazzo, picked the name. That was that.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

The ratings drop between Suits and Mr. Robot is one of the most disheartening things I've seen in a minute. Do you think the show's just too ahead of its time for the general audience to process?

I think any art as niche as Mr. Robot is never gonna be hugely popular. Most people are tired and want TV that will relax them or make them happy. People work hard and they want to relax, for the most part. Nothing wrong with that. Look on the bright side and be happy Mr. Robot was ever made in the first place!
Liked by: Gordon

I for one am a fan of Toonami marathons because it allows me to either catch up on the show that's airing, or allow me to watch some Toonami shows that I've missed the following week since I'm so busy. Do you know if they are going to be any other marathons coming this year?

Yep. Holidays will be used for marathons. Thanks!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

I work as a manager for a business. Without getting into too much detail a well respected former employer asked me about hiring/training his troubled son. He then told me about his GTR he's not using a wants to give away. I'm being bribed. I don't think anyone would find out though. Should I do it?

Well, if you're SURE you're being bribed, you have to ask yourself- is a GTR worth dealing with whatever trouble his son might bring you? And do you need a GTR? Will it improve your life? Finally, will your conscience be bothered if you accept? Only you can answer these questions, nobody else can help you with these sorts of decisions. Would I do it? Probably not, honestly. Who knows what ELSE this guy might want down the line.... Whatever you decide, good luck!

When did you realize that you had the talent to excel in the TV industry?

Psssh I'll let you know when I've figured that out!

Do you think, with the ever increasing number of artists you have gotten year after year, that the AS Singles program will ever become a weekly/bi-weekly but year-round thing, or will you intentionally cap the number to keep it a summer-ish window thing?

One day I'd love to get it going year round! Maybe by year 10. :)

In recent years I've noticed more creative advertising as opposed to the usual "*insert celeb here* uses this product! Why don't you?" Do you think this is a result of consumers getting smarter or more of a cultural thing?

I can't say I've noticed this, sorry.

What has working in TV thought you about people and their viewing habits?

TV viewing is based on habit. I've learned people like being surprised, but not *too* much, and that character and staying true to character is more important than "plot" in the end.

I heard about that Star Destroyer that you guys built on Pre-flight! Are there any pics of it?

No, but we can maybe take some.


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