
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you know the infamous Adult Swim bump: The Dawn Is Your Enemy? If so is it true that the last run of this bump aired an extended version? And if so what was the reasoning behind this?

That's an Internet myth, sorry.

Ever thought of becoming a therapist? Your advice is extremely helpful man.

Well I'm happy to help. :)

Jason I don't know what to do, i'm mixed about what I want to pursue as a career. I want to do illustration or design, but then I want to do music and game making, I also want to direct and write but I know I can't do all these things, please help.

Of the careers you've mentioned, the one with the best odds of succeeding is game developer. But honestly, you need to look at which of those seems more immediately fulfilling, and if you can't decide-which one you're best at. You have to start somewhere, so start there. Good luck!

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We can't ask Jose. He turned off anonymous questions on his Tumblr.

Sure you can, nut up and get an I.D. and come out into the light. Otherwise, beat it.
Liked by: Andy West Matthew

Hey, man. What's the song from The Boondocks Season 4 Episode 3 which starts with "Kaboom, niggas. It's the bomb right here. You bad-credit motherfucker. Shut up for seven years."? I've googled the lyrics and can't find anything about it. Figured you would be the best person to ask.

No idea, sorry.

Do you like James Blake's newest album? I really dug it.

Nah kinda bored me to be honest. I liked the first single though.

Jose says he can't talk about a lot of Toonami stuff anymore because he works for Turner. Is it because he knows stuff now?

Use your head and think it through, and if you have questions for Jose... Ask HIM.

how come this week's promo for the Boondocks doesn't acknowledge that it's the season finale?

Why should it? Did I miss the rule in the book that says we have to do that?

I've found myself getting angry at the most frivolous things lately, how do you get past them?

I dunno, I get angry at frivolous stuff all the time! It's easier than being mad about the super IMPORTANT stuff.

Do you let things bother you more than they should? I don't get really angry often but I feel like something is alway bothering me or I feel like I can always do something better than I usually did. I try not to let it bother me, but it does more often than not.

I don't, usually. As you get older you (hopefully) learn to live with mistakes and not hold on to stuff as much. It's a tough skill to learn, but I'm proof that it's doable!

I hate my life. What do I do?

Make a change! Identify what it is that you think is causing you the most trouble, and start there. Make a plan to stop doing whatever that is if you can. If you can't, try to figure out how to make it better for you. Good luck!

The rest of the episodes of king star king are online only will that possibly change?

No idea, sorry,

In regards for Attack on Titan does funimation make those episodes promos or do you guys at adult swim make them?

We make them.

Is that you voicing the adult swim singles commercial? If so please do more commercials your voice rocks!

Yes it is and thanks very much,


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